Quote Originally Posted by mr_maguoo
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
Quote Originally Posted by mr_maguoo
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
(remember - this is a caricature, like Ganin's "uncovered" descriptions)

6. LSI is a bad leader - although he likes to command (like all J-types do), people won't like his leading style, because he can appear too cold, rigid and unfriendly to people he leads, and become unpopular (IT types are statistically the most at ease when taking unpopular decisions and measures). Think of my president, Nicolas Sarkozy.
I think this is completely wrong. This characteristic of alienating subordinates and appearing cold, rigid and unfriendly is manifested in the ESTj not an ISTj. An ISTj will try to create . Whereas the ESTj will appear grumpy (and will have no problem with that appearance).

(By the way - This post by no means endorses Machintruc's other points).

And to FDG, ALL LIIs need to check their logic - all the time.
What do you have against LII ?
Nothing - they just need as their second funciton.
So LSI just need on auxilliary function.

Intuition in function 4 leads to recklessness and narrow-mindedness. One day I asked a LSE if it would be unsafe to take the underground the day Sarkozy would be elected president. He replied "no...".

But actually it was "yes" : there were riots in Paris and its suburbs this evening, because in France, most immigrants hate Sarkozy. So I didn't take the underground and waited for the next morning.

SJ types are unable to evaluate risks, because they have intuition in function 4.