*hugs diamond*

I don't know the circumstances of your relationship, but I can say in general that INFps are NOT INITIATORS. In almost all of my relationships I sit by passively and let others contact me because I fear rejection. This is even the case with my ISFp friend (hence the duality between ENTp-ISFp), who isn't at all inhibited about letting others know what she wants. She almost always calls me, and I reciprocate in turn.
As I said earlier, I don't know exactly what's transpired between you two, but perhaps he's picked up on some bad vibes and thinks something might be wrong, so he's afraid to call you and is procrastinating. He also might be rehearsing what he wants to say to you, so he feels like he needs time to prepare (neurotic as hell, but characteristically INFp). Another possibility might be that he's having some issues and really needs some time alone. I know that I've retreated into my shell for weeks on end because of depressive episodes.
But in all honesty, his type tendencies are no excuse for his avoidance and lack of candor. He owes you an explanation for his flakiness.
I hope the whole thing blows over, and I agree with the rest of the forum that you ought to call him if you want to talk to him, because he will oblige you. If he really is having doubts about the relationship, he'll probably try to work things out, because INFps get very attached and don't like to end relationships with people they care about.
So, in a nutshell, call him and explain your concern and confusion. You don't deserve to worry anymore.