Joy, VERY good interpretation. Very true in alot of ways.

Yes, I understand the INTj female ways pretty well (not as well as any female understands emotion, though). In many ways you are quite accurate, much of this situation was aggravated by her being with someone and much of it was further aggravated by the fact that we wanted/needed different things. And the namecalling is just a product of irrationality and childishness which was brought on by tension from alot of angles and so forth.

But when you are IN the situation you can't look at it through rational eyes, that's the worst part. Especially when you naturally can't handle a situation like that in the first place.

It started with us admitting a sexual attraction, keep that in mind.

But I'll tell you the basic just of what happened in the end. The girl invites me to her dorm a few weeks back to visit her. Now she knows I have feelings for her, and she knows I am going up there with the assumption that she has feelings for me, flat out. So I go to Cortland NY, which was like a 5 hour drive or something, just to see her. We both told eachother how much we missed one another, how much we wanted to see one another, etc... etc...

Basically it was an "we like one another although we are unsure of where it is going" sort of thing. We did so many things together. We were writing a story together, we would draw together, make comics. it was a great friendship and I shared alot of things with her.

So I get there and she makes me take her and her roomates to this diner, which was alright, cool, got to meet her roommate and stuff, whatever. But the whole way through she has this cold attitude for me, don't know why, don't understand it, and it's pissing me off. Eventually the night passes on and we do nothing but sit in her dorm room until she decides to go see a movie with me. We go, and during it I move to hold her hand because we had been doing that before she left, and I assumed maybe she was just shy or a little uncomfortable(deep down I knew she just didn't like me anymore). So I grab her hand and its lifeless, cold, uninterested. So I just let it go, sorta lightly throwing it back at her in a way which can only say "well, go fuck yourself".

We leave the movie and I pretend like that incident didn't happen. We were still talking like usual, but it was notably cold(like any mirror relationship can be) and I just sort of went with it. We go back to her dorm and she wants to write the story with me, but she has to get ready for bed. She is doing that and I lay on the floor on the sleeping bag she layed out for me and I say "so, what are you thinking about?" It was pretty clear I was saying "what the hell are you doing to me here?" she brings up something completely unrelated to me, typical of INTj's, such as "i am wondering why my CD player is..." whatever. So I just lay there and start getting pissed. I realized she was going to avoid discussing "us" like she always had, and just preoccupy herself with herself and pretend like I live next door or something.

We write in the little story, blah blah blah, and I get to talking to her. She lays and bed, I sit at the other end. I started talking to her about how important she is to me and how much I care about her and stuff. I say how beautiful I think she is and she just goes "thanks" or "yeah, I know" or something. No feedback, no nice remarks, just calculated insults. and she just goes to sleep at like midnight. So I'm sitting there like an idiot and eventually decide to go to sleep. Her roommate and the girl next door come back just as i turn the lights out. They clearly were like "what?" they expected to see us making out, which I expected to be doing as well. We werent though, i was just kneeling on the floor about to get into my sleeping bag.

I couldn't sleep at that point so I spend the night with the two of them and they get to talking about the girl I went to visit. Apparently she, who doesn't drink, brought some drunk guy into the room and made out with him the night before. This all took me by surprise because this girl wouldn't even touch me. I was hurt and also concerned.

I talk with them till 3am and had fun. I was pissed and hurt though, because I drove five hours to visit her, was watching her pet rat for her, and had basically spent an hour telling her how important I thought she was to me. So I left the next day pretty early, didn't even get to brush my teeth. I sorta told her I knew what was up and wanted and explanation but she treated me like I was prying into her personal business, which I wasn't, Im sure. I give her a careful kiss good bye(paranoid about my breath) and leave. turned out i got a parking ticket, a spot she suggested i park in. bad omen.

We get in an argument over the phone, a couple of weeks later she picks her rat up and a couple days after that she leaves this message telling me that out of all the guys she has ever kissed I was the worst(we had "made out" if you want to call it that, in a parking garage because before she left she started acting like she didn't want to be alone with me anymore... then she got warmed up again over the telephone). obviously people warm up differently and I don't think I am a bad kisser(she just sat there all cold like she'll always be). but basically it still crushed my confidence in myself. I have never felt like "that guy" who the girl just amuses herself with. I never thought I was the guy that is "the friend who can never make it in". She never really gave me that impression... well, at least she never said it flat out.

But anyway, that's when I launched my counter-offensive.

Shit, I got to go to work. I left some out, but you get the point.

Basically, I should have left when I had the chance.