Does this have to do with asking plans and such? I find myself doing this frequently, and I know an IStj I know does it all the time. She is an subtype though, and seems very insecure to me, because if things do not go exactly as planned she gets very irate. Perhaps from living with with so many alphas and Si people I am used to it and am trained to be more flexible. N'rtheless, it makes a lot of sense to see myself as having an Ni HA - I am always asking people about plans and the direction they want to go in, and I would very much appreciate help with that, more so than Si. Also, by asking people about this frequently, it seems to get them thinking about things in advance, so everything goes smoothly - something I feel somewhat responsible for, though, as you can see, it is something I feel I must collaborate with people about.

Can you give me some examples of HA?