Ethical-Intuitive Introvert - Dostoyevski - INFj
Their dominant function, introverted ethics (Fi), makes this type the creator of human relations. They try to reconcile all those quarrelling, to comfort those offended and to give a particle of their soul to each. Sympathy, mutual anxiety and the ability to remove emotional stress are the principal qualities of their nature. "Particle of the soul"... I'd like to keep just that for myself, thank you. Otherwise... Kinda grand, isn't it? Don't blame me, I'm just an interpreter.

Because of their creative function, extraverted intuition (Ne), they relate validly to the abilities and talents of other people. They contributes to their bloom, and see their possibilities in the future.

According to their role function, introverted logic (Ti), they try to be impartial, objective in their attachments and antipathies; however, they can completely ignore that misbehaving. Misbehaving ...

Due to their point of least resistance, extraverted sensing (Se), they cannot manifest aggression themself and do not suffer aggression from others. They are yielding, and shun conflict.

Because of their suggestive function, extraverted logic (Te), they relate to advice for conscientious execution of concrete work with considerable attention. They study work in detail.

Their sixth function is introverted snsing (Si). In real life, they need the safeguard of comfort. They can live according to the tastes of others, the worshippers of all beauty. In its bends they are timid; in this, they rely on their partner.

The seventh function, extraverted ethics (Fe), makes it possible to be adapted to the feelings of others, without showing their own emotions. The impression of the closed or even insensible EII is carried out, although in its soul there is a sea of strong feelings.

The eighth function of introverted intuition (Ni) forces this type not to consider their personal time, to the help of their partner. They tactfully give advice regarding the early preparation for a task.

Flamboyant, extravagant, slightly quirky, but not bad. All italicized words are comments.