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Thread: The best descriptions in the world (IMHO)

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    Default The best descriptions in the world (IMHO)

    Intuitive- logical [ekstravert] of — Don Quixote, ENTP
    In the first place in the formula of this type the intuition of possibilities stands. This the strongest, program function permits for Don Quixote to rapidly seize the essence of idea, work, enterprise and to see the prospect for their development. It lives in the future, in this case it sees it in “rose-colored” color. It is inclined to the generation of abstract-theoretical ideas.

    The second, creative function of — the logic of relations gives to it possibility to erect its activities and behavior logically, of for achievement its own (frequently global) ideas.

    The third, role function is volitional [sensorika], which facilitates capability for periodic “volitional flashes”. It loves to make pangs to that so that the people would see in it the volitional, goal-seeking man.

    The ethics of relations is the fourth, painful point. Because of this “a enemy” of this type is man, who shows that Don Quixote weakly examines relations between the people. This is that truth, which Don it does not pardon. It excessively idealizes people, their relation to it and it heavily survives “enlightenment”.

    The fifth, suggestive function of — of [sensorika] of sensations, makes this type that unusually suggested and that controlled on the questions, connected with the comfort, by harmony, aesthetics and kinesthetic (including odor-sensing- gustatory) sensations.

    Sixth function of — the ethics of emotions. Because of this it needs those surrounding providing with its positive emotions. Only this charges by its enthusiasm, it impels to the activity. Specifically, according to this function are rated the surrounding world, phenomenon or man.

    The seventh function of — the intuition of the time of — element is powerful, but is not creative. It should be loaded with difficult, but nonstandard tasks. This element peacefully takes in criticism, but constructive. On the questions, connected with the concepts of the opportuneness of — of inopportuneness, to ideas consolidating group it can agree with those surrounding, but only until they enter into contradiction with its views relative to the prospects for the development of its works.

    Eighth function of — the logic of activity, [kvalifitsirovanno] the carried out work, the precise knowledge of the program of today's activities, directed toward the achievement of results. According to this function it observes the interests of [duala], gives [neobidnye] advice, as if preventing the stronger blows of others.

    Sensory- ethical [introvert] of — of the Dumases, ISFP
    The first function of — of [sensorika] of sensations impels the Dumases to live by its bright, “tasty” sensations at the given moment. Expressed tendency toward all possible enjoyment and pleasures and precisely today.

    The second function of — the ethics of emotions makes this type with unsurpassed creator and manipulator by human emotions. Depending on its own interests and preferences skillfully and very thinly it " creates the intrigue”, which can both improve and break a emotional- psychological climate of group, family, industrial collective.

    The role function of — the intuition of time adds to this type tendency toward the demonstration of its “abilities” to be orientated in the flow of time and, as it it seems, to foresee possible failures and dips in the future.

    The painful function of — the logic of activity stipulates the onset of extremely negative reactions to the observations relative to insufficient readiness and thoroughnesses in the executed work. Observations are valid, and are for this very reason extremely morbid for the Dumases. Logic of activity in the fourth place, emotional relation to the world frequently impel this type to the commercial adventures, which are finished, as a rule, by the greatest consternation of the Dumases, it is completely lamentable.

    The fifth function of — the intuition of possibilities, makes this type that suggested on entire the fact that new, long-range promising, global ideas. With the appreciation it accepts optimistic information about the future, which itself is capable to see illusory, dark.

    The logic of relations in the sixth place makes with the Dumases by the completely grateful worshipper of people, which create ordered logical-analytical systems. Especially, if the latter show the consistency of its activities and behavior to this type. Say to the Dumases that it is logical, and it your.

    Seventh function of — volitional [sensorika]. Soft and benevolent Dumas can flare up, if someone develops excessive volitional pressure in the situations, contradictory his sensory- ethical representations. In other situations it, on the contrary, frequently stimulates people to the more energetic, goal-directed activity.

    Eighth function of — the ethics of relations. It gives soft, [nenavjazchivye] advice for the adjustment of interpersonal relations, being entity conformal, which easily compromises, which disregards principles for the creation of warm emotions.

    Ethics- sensory [ekstravert] - Hugo, ESFJ
    The strongest, program function of — the ethics of emotions, makes this type with the possessor of the bright, extremely emotional internal world, that causes its principal purpose the creation and the maintenance of the high emotional tone of collective.

    The creative function of — of [sensorika] of sensations makes this type with the creator of comfortable- aesthetical environment, pleasant sensory fullness of present day for itself and surrounding. Cordial, hospitable, thrifty masters.

    The third function of — the logic of activity, periodically pushes Hugo to the demonstration of its increased business, employment, soundness of activities and behavior. The role tendency to be competent in its work forces this type to doubt the sufficiently high level of its qualification, which impels it to the constant specializations, the refinements, the retrainings.

    The intuition of time is painful point, it in consequence of which extremely painfully transfers valid in the essence reproaches in the inopportuneness, haste or delays, bad orientation in the historical and real time.

    We suggest according to the logic of relations. Based on this, it is inclined to believe and he is easily programmed by people, which clothe their thoughts and behavior in a strict logical-analytical scheme.

    Sixth function of — the intuition of possibilities. Because of this actually it needs the disclosure of the horizons of the future, wherever they found a use to their strong functions.

    Seventh function of — the ethics of relations. Being in the essence entity unenvious and [nezloblivym], it peacefully transfers the development of different relations in the group, but only until they come into conflict with its ethical principles. In these cases it is capable sufficiently sharply, similar to Dreiser, to condemn this behavior of those surrounding. But makes this not so consistently, it is irreconcilable and it is systematic as Dreiser.

    Eighth function of — volitional [sensorika]. It lies deeply at the subconsciousness. It gives the soft, [nenavjazchivye], [shchadjashchie] advice to that surrounding on the realization of volitional manifestations with the goal of the retention of a ethics- emotional climate of collective.

    Logico- intuitive [introvert] of — Of [robesper], INTJ
    The strongest, program function is the logic of relations, which adds to this type reasonableness, consistency even in emotional- ethical questions. In connection with this, even in relations it is orientated not sympathy and antipathy, but to the categories, based on the mind: validity, equality, worthwhileness.

    The intuition of possibilities, which forces it to use their first function of — logic for the solution of abstract, theoretical problems, is a creative function of this type.

    The role function Of [robespera] of — the ethics of relations, is developed in the attempts to establish those normalized, [reglamentirovannye] by the consideration of validity, relations. It is not confident in the true attitude toward it of people.

    The fourth, painful function of — volitional [sensorika] makes by its painfully susceptible to roughnesses, cries and tyranny from the side of those surrounding.

    Suggestive function is the ethics of emotions, which makes its type that highly suggested in the questions, connected with the safeguard of a psychoemotional background. With the appreciation takes in emotional support and the approval from the side of partner.

    Sixth function of — of [sensorika] of sensations. Greatly it needs someone constantly satisfying its sensory needs and would worry about health, leisure.

    Seventh function of — the logic of activity. Particular attention to the questions, connected with the algorithm, the detailed study of the works of present day is not given; however, until this contradicts the logic of the development of the prospects for its work.

    Eighth function of — the intuition of time. According to this function it gives polite advice to that surrounding relative to the opportuneness of the inopportuneness of any work, [umestnosti] at the given moment, orientations in the flow of time.

    Ethics- intuitive [ekstravert] of — Hamlet, ENFJ
    The ethics of emotions is strongest function. Moreover, the emotions of Hamlet are characterized by tendency toward the dramatization of events. By its tragedy emotional- elevated relation to the life it successfully " infects” those surrounding. Unsurpassed speaker.

    The second function of — the intuition of the time of — helps this type well to be orientated in the flow of time both today's, and historical. It calls the surrounding to the utilization dramatic lessons of the past. It is inclined to the elements of mysticism, mysteriousness.

    Role function of — the logic of activity. It believes only to that information, which is official, authoritative. To it it [lstit], when they consider it business, thorough, punctual man. This forces it be occupied to constantly by self-education. He frequently pours “names” and authorities with the goal of the creation of the illusions of wide formation.

    Painful function is [sensorika] of sensations. This causes constant doubts about its attractiveness and esthetic values of its behavior. The [izyskanno]- aristocratic style of behavior and clothing is the consequence of this.

    The logic of relations is suggestive function. We suggest well by people, that know how to clothe our thoughts in the abstract-logical forms.

    Sixth function of — volitional [sensorika]. It needs goal-directed administrative- volitional control of its activities and behavior. They respect chiefs.

    Seventh function of — the ethics of relations. It peacefully observes the diverse variants of interpersonal relations, but only until they come into conflict with its esthetic norms. It is in such cases discovered, with the sarcasm and the irony voices its unconformity.

    Eighth function of — the intuition of possibilities. Attaching great significance to the situation of man on the hierarchy, it softly costs the questions, connected with clearing up or demonstration of true abilities and possibilities of man.

    Logico- sensory [introvert] - Gor'kiy, ISTJ
    First function of — the logic of relations. Gor'kiy unsurpassed [vnedrjalshchik] of abstract-logical ideas with their deep and exact study.

    The second function of — volitional [sensorika] permits for it to create “iron” framework of disciplines, whose observance it requires with the entire strictness. Loves beauty and order around itself.

    The role function of — the ethics of relations causes the uncontrollable need of this type to share all on “its” and “strangers”. There are friends, while there are enemies, to which it is necessary to be to vigilant. “If enemy does not surrender him they destroy”.

    The painful point of — the intuition of possibilities forces Gor'kiy with great suspicion to relate to the people, which stick out their true or imaginary values or abilities.

    We suggest on the ethics of emotions. In connection with the fact that their own feelings are driven in in “the underground”, it is very grateful to people, which demonstrate the firework of strong, picturesque (better with the elements of tragicness) emotions.

    Sixth function of — the intuition of time. Appearing as all [sensoriki], by man of present day, with the appreciation assume councils for opportuneness and inopportuneness of activities and behavior. It needs the strict regulation of the periods of the termination of works.

    Seventh function of — the logic of activity. With the pleasure it is relied and entrusts to different instructions, circulars, technology, until this enters into contradiction with its representations about discipline and order. In these cases rigidly and sharply it will interfere.

    Eighth function of — of [sensorika] of sensations. It is unassuming in the plan of comfort, food. It can cost with the minimum of [gedonisticheskikh] manifestations.

    Sensory- logical [ekstravert] of — Zhukov, ESTP
    Strongest function of — volitional [sensorika]. To the goal by any price! It loves to surmount difficulty. Persistence, resoluteness in activities and behavior. Assurance in its tele-. Iron excerpt and composure.

    Second function of — the logic of relations. It wonderfully arranges people on its places. It clearly and specifically formulates indications. The main thing for it - not tendency toward the glory, and so that the work would conquer.

    The role function of — the intuition of possibilities is developed in the tendency toward the theoretization, the prediction, the philosophizing apropos of the meaning of the life, prospect and other.

    Painful function of — the ethics of relations. To avoid to speak about feelings. To Zhukov it is not possible to bring greater offense than to suspect him in the presence in it of pets.

    We suggest by intuition to time. Feels gratitude to the people, which are well oriented in the flow of time and which be outstanding of idea th nations in the historical time e determining development.

    The sixth function of — the ethics of the emotions of — needs the safeguard of a psychoemotional background with philosophical -[nostalgicheskim] the hue.

    The seventh function of — of [sensorika] of the sensations of — type is unassuming to the comfort, stoic. It is ready to transfer any deprivations, but for the great goal.

    Eighth function of — the logic of activity. It gives advice relative to business activity and activity plans, directed toward the achievement of results, to those surrounding.

    Intuitive- ethical [introvert] of — Esenin, INFP
    The intuition of time as strong function, permits for this type wonderful to be orientated in the flow of time as flowing, and historical. To put forth the ideas, which consolidate group, nation.

    The ethics of emotions, being creative function, permits for it to very thinly manipulate by emotions both by its, and surrounding. The internal world of another man successfully reveals, putting to use the creation of [nostalgicheski] of dramatic atmosphere.

    Role function of — of [sensorika] of sensations. It loves to demonstrate its esthetic taste. Pangs to the creation around itself of household comfort make. It loves to [pokapriznichat], to be complained to the bad health. [Gipertrofirovanno] is enraptured by the beauty of nature, art.

    Painful function of — the logic of activities. It will not take out reproaches in the disorganization, lack of order, indiscipline and [bogemnosti].

    We suggest on volitional [sensorike]. It loves strong hand. It suffers on the absence of solid hand in the state.

    According to the sixth function (logic of relations) it needs the abstract-logical basis of its behavior and put out to it indications.

    Seventh function of — the intuition of possibilities. Peacefully it relates to expression and discussion of abilities, possibilities, prospects, if this does not contradict its intuitive- emotional sight of situation.

    Eighth function of — the ethics of relations. It gives soft, sometimes unprincipled advice for the adjustment of interpersonal relations.

    Logico- intuitive [ekstravert] of — Jack London, ENTJ
    Strongest function of — [ekstratimnaja] logic. He knows well what to make. Type of owner, businessman. They know how to make anything rapidly, easily and it is elegant.

    The second function of — intra-Tim intuition makes it possible wonderfully to be orientated in the questions, connected with the ability to find moment for the beginning of the necessary activity, enterprise.

    The role function of — [ekstratimnaja] ethics causes the desire to be stimulated, to seem merry, reckless. The worse on the soul, the wider the smile.

    The painful function of — intra-Tim [sensorika] doubts its physical attractiveness, it fears to seem by slovenly. It fears reproaches in the excessive concern about the personal comfort.

    We suggest on intra-Timnoy to ethics. In the plan of the creation of interpersonal relations it relies on the opinion of partner.

    Sixth function of — [ekstratimnaja] [sensorika]. In reality it needs the stimuli, which promote business activity. In questions of aesthetics completely it entrusts to the taste of partner.

    Seventh function of — intra-Tim logic. Peacefully it examines abstract-theoretical ideas until this comes into conflict with the inherent in it pragmatism and the practicalness.

    Eighth function of — the intuition of the possibilities ([ekstratimnaja] intuition) of — soft councils relative to the expression of abilities and values.

    Ethics- sensory [introvert] - Dreiser, ISFJ
    The first function is intra-Tim ethics, which makes this type with irreconcilable champion for the morals, the decency.

    The creative function of — [ekstravertnaja] [sensorika] makes this type with very volitional and autonomous individual. Reacts [gipertrofirovanno] rigidly to any divergence from the conventional ethical order and it is irreconcilable. It is obstinate, obstinate.

    Intra-Tim logic in the third place impels this type in its criticality to seem cold, logical- impassive.

    [Ekstratimnaja] intuition is painful point. It heavily transfers the discussion of its inherent abilities and prospects. It does not pardon the excess, to its view, demonstration whose- or of values.

    We suggest according to the [ekstratimnoj] logic. With the appreciation assume the councils, which concern business activity, the usefulness of idea or enterprise, their practical significance.

    Intra-Timnoy of intuition in reality needs safeguard. Someone must help to be orientated in the time and to forecast “light” future. With difficulty it transfers expectation.

    The seventh function of — [ekstratimnaja] ethics makes it necessary to develop sharply and it is discovered negative emotions in the situations, connected with the disturbance by whom - or ethical n.

    The eighth function of — [introvertnaja] [sensorika] makes this type completely tactful in the questions, connected with the discussion of the physical characteristics of man.

    Sensory- ethical [ekstravert] of — Of h[apoleon], ESFP
    The strongest function of — [ekstratimnaja] [sensorika] - makes this type with that being extremely approaching authority and glory. It is initiative-taking, demonstrative, it possesses the congenital esthetic taste. Great significance is added by physical data of partner.

    Intra-Tim ethics, being creative function, permits for this type wonderful to be orientated in the sphere of relations and to manipulate by feelings of other people. It does not hide its feelings, it is proud by them. It is sociable, talkative, it is attempted to be in the center of attention to any company.

    The role function of — [ekstratimnaja] intuition impels to periodically seem sad, disappointed, misunderstood, [filosofichnym].

    Intra-Tim logic, as painful point, causes high vulnerability in the situations, which require the logical, balanced, congruent behavior.

    We suggest on intra-Timnoy of intuition. With the appreciation it listens to the councils, which justify its increased activity, as if preventing possible failures and dangers in the future.

    Sixth function of — [ekstratimnaja] logic. For it it is necessary that the partner would care about the execution of everyday routine works, he worked for it components, brought to the end the work initiated.

    The seventh function of — [ekstravertnaja] [sensorika] makes this type that impassively considering the questions, connected with the comfort, the physical health, until this interferes its sensory- ethical strivings.

    According to the eighth function of — to [ekstratimnoj] ethics he tries to be attentive and correct to the emotions of partner.

    Intuitive- logical [introvert] of — Balzac, INTP
    The strong function of — intro-twirlrhotank intuition permits for it well to foresee the future catastrophes and troubles. It is inclined to the pessimistic philosophizings.

    [Ekstratimnaja] logic makes this type with the creator of logical-analytical theories and makes it possible to logically count the possible variants of troubles. It retains on the earth.

    The role function of — intra-Tim [sensorika] impels [gipertrofirovanno] to worry about its health and comfort.

    The painful function of — the [ekstratimnaja] ethics of — makes this type very [ranimym] to any type to criticism, intolerant to the stormy manifestation of positive emotions.

    We suggest on [ekstratimnoj] [sensorike], i.e. it loves people of strong, volitional, goal-seeking. Itself is the sufficiently yielding type, which does not love to oppose volitional pressure.

    Needs the safeguard to it intra-Timnoy of ethics the creation of comfortable, favorable relations.

    Seventh function of — [ekstratimnaja] intuition. The prospects for any ideas peacefully consider, until they seem by too “rose-colored” and enter into the contradiction with its foresight and sober realism.

    The eighth function of — the intra-Tim logic of — makes this type completely tactful in the discussion of the questions, connected with alogias in the behavior of partner.

    Logico- sensory [ekstravert] - [Shtirlits], ESTJ
    Strongest function of this type is the [ekstratimnaja] logic, which causes its business, concrete- logical mind, forces to thoroughly study it and to consider the components of work. In any idea the main thing for [Shtirlitsa] of — its practicality and worthwhileness.

    The second function of — intra-Tim [sensorika] forces it to be always tightened, accurate, to attach great significance to physical state to its and partner.

    The role function of — the ethics of the emotions of — makes this type rather dry- polite and stress- correct, up to a certain ceremoniousness. It does not love beautiful words, compliments. However, the flashes of the fury, when it can shout and even fling objects, are characteristic of it.

    The painful point of — the intra-Tim intuition of — does not give To [shtirlitsu] of the possibility to be orientated well in the time. Men of present day it as “is lost” in the time, in this case greatly it offends, when people do not observe the periods, set to them by itself.

    The suggestive function of — intra-Tim ethics forces it to try to strictly observe ethical norms in the group. For it is very important the reputation “considerable man”.

    Because of its sixth function of — of the [ekstratimnoj] intuition of — he is the supporter of gradual, but constant progress forward.

    The seventh function of — intra-Tim logic makes it possible to listen to the global theories; however, until they seem it by too strong unreal. Then it condemns this fantastic project.

    According to the eighth function of — to [ekstratimnoj] [sensorike] always has its opinion on any question. It feels the great responsibility for partner and without the excess words comes to it to the help.

    Ethics- intuitive [introvert] - Dostoyevsky, INFJ
    The strong function of — the intra-Tim ethics of — makes this type with the creator of human relations. He tries to reconcile all those quarrelling, to comfort those offended and to give the particle of his soul to each. Sympathy, mutual anxiety, the ability to remove emotional stress of — the principal qualities of its nature.

    Because of its creative function of — of the intuition of the [ekstratimnoj] of — validly it relates to abilities and talents of other people, it contributes to their bloom, sees their application in the future.

    According to the role function of — intra-Timnoy logician tries to be impartial, objective in its attachments and antipathies; however, it can completely ignore that misbehaving.

    Its painful point of — volitional [sensorika]. Dostoyevsky cannot itself manifest aggression and does not suffer aggression from the side of other. Entity is yielding, is nonconflict.

    Because of the suggestive function of — to the [ekstratimnoj] logic of — with the considerable attention it relates to the councils for the conscientious execution of concrete work, on the detailed study of work.

    Sixth function of — intra-Tim [sensorika]. In reality they need the safeguard of comfort, live according to the tastes of another man, the worshippers of all beautiful. In its bends they are timid, they rely in this plan on partner.

    The seventh function of — the ethics of the emotions of — makes it possible to be adapted to feelings of another man, without sticking out in this case its emotions. The impression of the closed or even insensible people is carried out, although in the soul of — the sea of strong experiences.

    The eighth function of — intra-Tim intuition forces this type not to be considered its personal time for the help to partner. It tactfully gives advice relative to early preparation for the work.

    Intuitive- ethical [ekstravert] of — of Huxley, ENFP
    Strong function is the [ekstratimnaja] intuition: the ability to comprehend essence and prospect for the development of work. Wonderfully it examines the abilities of people, it helps to creatively develop them. Is initiative-taking, somewhat intellectually obstinate.

    The creative function of — the intra-Tim ethics of — makes its with unsurpassed “diplomat” in the adjustment of relations. Ability to make pleasant to people, to smooth out conflict situations.

    [Ekstratimnaja] [sensorika] forces it in the difficult situations to periodically express from itself entity extremely volitional and active, entire “taking to itself”.

    Its painful point of — intra-Tim logic. Huxley does not transfer the criticism of his illogical behavior and unconsidered behavior, his inability to be dismantled at the complex abstract systems.

    We suggest on intra-Timnoy [sensorike], i.e. on the questions, connected with the beauty, the physical comfort, the health and the exterior view with our and partner.

    Sixth function of — [ekstratimnaja] logic. For it it is necessary that the partner would care about the execution of everyday routine works, he worked for it components, brought to the end the work initiated.

    According to the seventh function of — intra-Timnoy of intuition sufficiently peacefully agrees with the partner in the questions, which are concerned opportuneness, until this enters into contradiction with its long-range promising ideas.

    The eighth function of — the [ekstratimnaja] ethics of — does not permit for it to allow the tactlessness apropos of the irrelevance of human emotions, it makes with its tactful and courteous.

    Sensory- logical [introvert] of — Of [gaben], ISTP
    Intra-Tim [sensorika] of — as strong function adds to this [sotsionicheskomu] type of the firm, realistically thinking man. It is independent not to approach leadership; however, it will not yield its, it worries about the conveniences.

    The creative function of — the logic of activity forces it to be very thorough, exact, even economical in its activities on the achievement of the objective. It is oriented to the material encouragement of labor. It completely entrusts to its own business thinking.

    “Setting” on its role function the intra-Tim intuition of — Of [gaben] it loves to stress its degree of orientation in the time, to infuse on its concepts of prospect and opportuneness.

    The painful fourth function of — [ekstratimnaja] ethics - forces its not to entrust its emotions to other people, to hide them from those surrounding. In the cases of conflicts it occurs rough and not restrained.

    We suggest on the [ekstratimnoj] intuition. Badly examining the prospects for tomorrow, he wishes to hear, which in the future is light and it is wonderful. It is very grateful, when to it they reveal its ability and initiate to the work.

    According to its sixth function of — intra-Timnoy to ethics needs partner helping in the adjustment of interpersonal relations, which [Gaben] values.

    The seventh function of — [ekstratimnaja] [sensorika] gives birth to poorly understood surrounding of the trick, when [Gabenu] it seems that its interests pinch.

    The [introvertnaja] logic of — as the eighth function permits for it and clearly to explain well complex material.

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    Default Re: The best descriptions in the world (IMHO)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Intuitive- logical [ekstravert] of — Don Quixote, ENTP
    In the first place in the formula of this type the intuition of possibilities stands. This the strongest, program function permits for Don Quixote to rapidly seize the essence of idea, work, enterprise and to see the prospect for their development. It lives in the future, in this case it sees it in “rose-colored” color. It is inclined to the generation of abstract-theoretical ideas.
    Yeah, that is definatelly me ...

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    I only read the ones for people I know. (I'll read the other one's later . . . copied them to a document like I do a lot of your stuff.) Nothing to argue with here!
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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    I could only understand about 50% of the ENFP description.
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
    In touch with semireality.

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    I edited it a bit and added comments. We are basically nice and courteous individuals who are driven by emotions, can be assertive when we have to, see other people's talents, are not very logical, like to have pleasant surroundings and agree as long as we don't disagree. :wink:

    Intuitive- ethical [ekstravert] of — of Huxley, ENFP
    Strong function is extraverted intuition: the ability to comprehend the essence and prospect for the development of work. S/he examines the abilities of people, and helps to creatively develop them. Takes initiative and is somewhat intellectually obstinate.

    The creative function is intraverted ethics (feeling), which makes him/her the unsurpassed “diplomat” in the adjustment of relations. Ability to make pleasant to people, to smooth out conflict situations.

    Extroverted sensing forces him/her to periodically express from itself entity extremely volitional and active, entire “taking to itself” in the difficult situations. (I think it means to say that we can be assertive in difficult situations, which is true for me. I'm not usually very assertive, but I can be when I have to. But I might misunderstand this).

    Its painful point of — intra-Tim logic. Huxley does not transfer the criticism of his illogical behavior and unconsidered behavior, his inability to be dismantled at the complex abstract systems. (We don't act based on logic and we don't apply criticism thereof. We don't understand complex abstract systems. Yeah, yeah.).

    We suggest on intra-Timnoy [sensorike], i.e. on the questions, connected with the beauty, the physical comfort, the health and the exterior view with our and partner. (We like physical comfort and pay attention to our appearance and that of our partners).

    Sixth function of — [ekstratimnaja] logic. For it it is necessary that the partner would care about the execution of everyday routine works, he worked for it components, brought to the end the work initiated. (We need someone who takes care of everyday routines and finishes the work we start - It's ever so true...)

    According to the seventh function of — intra-Timnoy of intuition sufficiently peacefully agrees with the partner in the questions, which are concerned opportuneness, until this enters into contradiction with its long-range promising ideas. (Hm...We agree with our partner about opportunities as long as s/he does not disagree?? ).

    The eighth function of — the [ekstratimnaja] ethics of — does not permit for it to allow the tactlessness apropos of the irrelevance of human emotions, it makes with its tactful and courteous. (We are tactful of other's emotions and we are polite and courteous).
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    *hugs Kim*
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
    In touch with semireality.

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    Ooooh, that's sweet!

    Actually, about this one:

    Extroverted sensing forces him/her to periodically express from itself entity extremely volitional and active, entire “taking to itself” in the difficult situations. (I think it means to say that we can be assertive in difficult situations, which is true for me. I'm not usually very assertive, but I can be when I have to. But I might misunderstand this).
    I'm not really sure... supports (right? Role function supports first function?), so we can be assertive when we feel we have to in order to discover potential and opportunity? But we really don't want to unless we have to. That would work for me. I don't like to be assertive and in-your-face. But I can be (like today when three students ganged up on me)
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    opposes , so when the situation calls for Se and Se only, you want to get the result as quickly as possible so that you no longer have to take action. Then you return to Ne'ing.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Here, I translated the translated Russian to fluent English for the INTp:

    Intuitive-logical introvert — Balzac, INTP
    His strong function of introverted intuition permits him to well foresee future catastrophes and troubles. He is inclined to pessimistic philosophizing.

    Extroverted logic makes him the creator of logical-analytical theories and makes it possible for him to logically count the possible variants of troubles. He retains his realism in this process.

    His role function of introverted sensing impels him to worry about his health and comfort.

    His painful function of extraverted feeling makes him very sensitive to any type to criticism and intolerant to the stormy manifestation of positive emotions.

    He is suggestive in his extraverted sensation, i.e. he loves people of strong, volitional, goal-seeking qualities. He is the sufficiently yielding type, which does not love to oppose volitional pressure.

    He needs to safeguard himself from volitional pressure and criticism with introverted feeling, the creation of comfortable, favorable relations.

    His seventh function of extraverted intuition allows him to peacefully consider the prospects for any ideas, until they seem by him too “rose-colored”. He then enters into the contradiction his foresight and sober realism.

    His eighth function of introverted thinking makes him completely tactful in the discussion of the questions connected with misunderstanding in his partner.

    Hope that helps. Without the attached functions, I would say that that is a very good description, as I do not disagree with one bit of the information (even considering the Barnum effect!)
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    It works, doesn't it?
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Hugo, where did this translation origionally come from?

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    It would be a lot easier to read fully translated...

    I mean... like making "This element peacefully takes in criticism, but constructive" into "welcomes/benifits from constructive criticism"?

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Default Re: The best descriptions in the world (IMHO)

    Ethical-Intuitive Introvert - Dostoyevski - INFj
    Their dominant function, introverted ethics (Fi), makes this type the creator of human relations. They try to reconcile all those quarrelling, to comfort those offended and to give a particle of their soul to each. Sympathy, mutual anxiety and the ability to remove emotional stress are the principal qualities of their nature. "Particle of the soul"... I'd like to keep just that for myself, thank you. Otherwise... Kinda grand, isn't it? Don't blame me, I'm just an interpreter.

    Because of their creative function, extraverted intuition (Ne), they relate validly to the abilities and talents of other people. They contributes to their bloom, and see their possibilities in the future.

    According to their role function, introverted logic (Ti), they try to be impartial, objective in their attachments and antipathies; however, they can completely ignore that misbehaving. Misbehaving ...

    Due to their point of least resistance, extraverted sensing (Se), they cannot manifest aggression themself and do not suffer aggression from others. They are yielding, and shun conflict.

    Because of their suggestive function, extraverted logic (Te), they relate to advice for conscientious execution of concrete work with considerable attention. They study work in detail.

    Their sixth function is introverted snsing (Si). In real life, they need the safeguard of comfort. They can live according to the tastes of others, the worshippers of all beauty. In its bends they are timid; in this, they rely on their partner.

    The seventh function, extraverted ethics (Fe), makes it possible to be adapted to the feelings of others, without showing their own emotions. The impression of the closed or even insensible EII is carried out, although in its soul there is a sea of strong feelings.

    The eighth function of introverted intuition (Ni) forces this type not to consider their personal time, to the help of their partner. They tactfully give advice regarding the early preparation for a task.

    Flamboyant, extravagant, slightly quirky, but not bad. All italicized words are comments.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

    (Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    opposes , so when the situation calls for Se and Se only, you want to get the result as quickly as possible so that you no longer have to take action. Then you return to Ne'ing.
    Thanks Cone. That makes sense.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    I rewrote two, mainly because I had to in order to understand the translation. Even so I didn't understand it all, so don't rely too much on my versions. They're guesswork.

    Sensory- ethical [introvert]: the Dumases, ISFP
    The first function: sensational sensorics. It impels the Dumases to live by its bright, “tasty” sensations at the given moment. Expressed tendency toward all possible enjoyment and pleasures and precisely today.

    The second function: emotional ethics. It makes this type an unsurpassed creator and manipulator of human emotions. Depending on its own interests and preferences, it skillfully and very thinly " creates the intrigue”, which can both make and break the emotional- psychological climate of a group, a family, or a workplace.

    The role function: intuition of time. It adds to this type a tendency towards the demonstration of its “abilities” to be orientated in the flow of time and, as it it seems, to foresee possible failures and dips in the future.

    The painful function: business logic. It causes extremely negative reactions to observations relating to insufficient readiness and thoroughness in executed work. Those observations are valid, and are for this very reason extremely morbid for the Dumases. Since business logic is the forth function, his/her emotional relations to the world frequently impel this type to commercial adventures, which usually and lamentably end in the greatest consternation of the Dumases.

    The fifth function: intuition of potentialities. It makes this type that suggested on entire the fact that new, long-range promising, global ideas. The Dumases appreciate and accept optimistic information about the future, which they themselves are apt to see illusory and dark.

    The logic of correlation in the sixth place makes the Dumases the completely grateful worshipper of people who create ordered logical-analytical systems, especially if the latter show the consistency of its activities and behavior to this type. Say to the Dumases that they are logical, and they are yours.

    Seventh function: volitional sensorics. Soft and benevolent Dumas can flare up if someone uses excessive volitional pressure in situations that run contrary to his sensory- ethical representations. In other situations, however, it frequently stimulates people to more energetic, goal-directed activities.

    Eighth function: relational ethics. It gives soft, [nenavjazchivye] advice for the adjustment of interpersonal relations, being a conformal entity that easily compromises and disregards principles in order to create warm emotions.

    Ethics- sensory [introvert]: Dreiser, ISFJ

    The first function is intraverted ethics, which makes this type the irreconcilable champion for morals and decency.

    The creative function: extraverted sensorics. It makes this type a very volitional and autonomous individual. Reacts [gipertrofirovanno] rigidly to any divergence from the conventional ethical order and it is irreconcilable. It is very obstinate.

    Intraverted logic in the third place makes this type in its criticality to seem cold and impassively logical.

    Extraverted intuition is the painful point. It heavily transfers the discussion of its inherent abilities and prospects. It does not pardon excessive, to its view, demonstration of values.

    The suggestive function: extraverted logic. Likes to take part in councils concerning business activities or the usefulness and practical significance of an idea or enterprise.

    Intraverted intuition in reality needs safeguards. Someone must help it to orientate in time and to forecast a “sunny” future. With difficulty it transfers expectation.

    The seventh function: extraverted ethics. It makes it necessary to develop sharply and it discovers negative emotions in situations connected with disturbance by ethical intuition.

    The eighth function: introverted sensorics. It makes this type completely tactful in questions connected to a discussion of the physical characteristics of people.

    Sensory- ethical [ekstravert]: Napoleon, ESFP
    The strongest function, extraverted sensorics, makes this type extremely approaching authority and glory. It is initiative-taking and demonstrative, and it possesses an innate aesthetic taste. The physical appearance of a partner is given great significance.

    Intraverted ethics: creative function. This permits this wonderful type to orientate in the sphere of relations and to manipulate the feelings of other people. It does not hide its feelings, it is proud of them. Sociable and talkative, it attempts to be the center of attention in any group of people.

    The role function: extraverted intuition. This makes Napoleon seem sad, disappointed, misunderstood, and philosophical from time to time.

    Intraverted logic is the painful point. This makes Napoleon highly vulnerable in the situations that require logical, balanced, congruent behavior.

    The suggestive function: intraverted intuition. With appreciation it listens to advice that justifies increased activity in order to prevent possible failures and dangers in the future.

    Sixth function: extraverted logic. For this type it is necessary that a partner cares about the execution of everyday routine works, he worked for it components, brought to the end the work initiated.

    The seventh function: extraverted sensorics makes this a type that impassively considers questions connected with comfort and physical health, until this interferes with its sensory- ethical strivings.

    According to the eighth function of extraverted ethics he tries to be attentive and correct to the emotions of others.

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