Well yeah I think enneagram can be traced to a specific type imo, since enneagram seem to describe a lot of socionics types taking wings into account, because I think types specifically use or value for lack of a better word, different parts of their brains. As in I think functions themselves correlate to different parts of the brain, or maybe even the spinal cord - which could be Si. Or parts of the brain that relate to possibly subconscious tensing of the muscles would be Se, or giving energy to do random tasks. I've found many possible connections, but I am not entirely sure they can be connected just yet. I have also found this article on mirror neurons that seem to express Fe's tendencies. As for 6, I have found descriptions of it relating to Fi.. Which I could be completely wrong since some points in different enneatype descriptions seem to fit for same* ppl(especially me, I can't find one enneatype that I can't relate to in some way, I'm enneatype 9 tho)..