Quote Originally Posted by Baby
Quote Originally Posted by ragnar
... the Earth is huge and humans are few.
True as this may be in the geographic sense, we will at some point excede the earth's ability to sustain us - not merely to give us standing space.
Funny you should mention "standing space". Right there on Baffin Island is a nice little lake nobody has ever heard of, called Nettiling Lake. According to Wikipedia, it's surface area is appx 1,956 sq mi. The world population is about 6 billion, which translates into something like almost a full square yard per person, which is ample standing space.

So when this little lake nobody has ever heard of freezes over, there's standing room on the ice for every man, woman and child in the whole world.

So: Not only is there enough room on this obscure island for everyone in the whole world to live quite comfortably and spaciously there, there's also a natural place on the island just the right size for us to gather together and listen to Pink Floyd concerts.

Repeating my point: The earth is huge and humans are few.


Greetings, ragnar