Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
i'm behind the idea of equal distribution and i've become convinced about this esp with introvert vs extravert. the problem though with going from you're own experiences is that you'll probably surround yourself with people from your own and neighboring quadras rather than opposing quadras, so it becomes biased.
Not really - I know more ENFps than ENFjs for example

and ENTj women?? I know just two in a sample of thousands
providing you have typed them correctly, of course
After 2 years of typings, I've become pretty sure of my skills when typing from a short psychological distance;

anyway, hotelambush, I don't compile them with precision, just an approximation - in order for me to declare the distribution very skewed, it's sufficient to find only a type whose ratio over the total population is much lower than any other - and as Walras' Law says, if at least one type is not in equilibrium, then there must be at least another one which isn't.