Quote Originally Posted by eunice
You are probably experiencing a PoLR.

I'm ok with massive emotions, just that I would be more of an observer than participant. I only get frustrated when others in the group talk about fun and enjoyment and meaningless stuff. And it's easy for others to know that I'm displeased 'cos I will always have this "wtf?" look on my face. Example:

During a class outing
ESTp classmate: Dang! You guys can't believe what a bad day I have today.
ESTp: I saw this white python on an online auction the other day and I decided to put in $8000 for it. I was confident that I will definitely get it 'cos all the other bidders couldn't bid past this amount, until another guy came in the last minute and dump in $10000. Oh man! Can you believe that? He won me by just two thousand freaking dollars?!
Me: (thought: I wish you could have gotten the python so that it can slither towards you at night and suffocate you and let you experience a slow and painful death.)
huh. that interaction would not affect me that way at all.