Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
Deltas typically have a mixed view of sharing thoughts. That's the nature of the extroverted elements. Deltas can't really hold back their thoughts in the same way that Betas can. Betas also have this odd thing where they will not express their thoughts 99% of the time, and that 1% moment when they do is catastrophic-level honesty. It's those rare moments when Fe breaks and T is allowed full expression.

Deltas do the same with their feelings. Betas are always expressing their feelings in some way. Because their feelings aren't quite as intrinsic to their sense of identity, that part of them is much more malleable in social situations. The rare moments in which Deltas express how they really feel are a sight to behold. Conversely, they are always sharing their thoughts, which are adaptive to social situations at least to some degree. Betas don't like that, though, lol. Betas would prefer to share feels and keep thoughts to themselves. Until they get really close to you and decide that they want to get to know you very well. Then they switch on the Ti. In rare cases, Ti is expressed socially to put someone "back in line" when they've done something the Betas see as a critical error. This active state of Ti is meant to restore or recreate Fe.

Beta Ti when it's expressed often feels invasive to me too tbh. It's like, rather than telling you what to be, Betas want to tell you what you should think. I think this is because Betas find their thoughts more internally adjustable, which allows them to create whatever emotionality is necessary in a social situation. Betas can, in other words, simulate necessary thoughts to create certain feelings, even if they don't actually think them on their own. They view this behavior as giving respectful consideration to someone else's perspective, but the mechanics of what they are doing is actually beyond the ability of most Deltas and contrary to the healthy function of their psyches.

Deltas have a similar ability. They can actually alter their character in micro ways that gives them the power to adapt their behavior in social situations. Meanwhile, their internal character is somehow preserved in spite of the adaptation. Betas can't really adapt their own feelings or character in the same way. They require the external force of Fe to regulate their feelings. (Feelings and character are related.)

Betas, of course, just as Deltas typically view Beta Fe and Ti as a form of prevarication, see Delta Fi and Te the same way. They don't see Deltas as being honest about how they feel, because rather than allowing others to regulate their feelings for them, Deltas do that on their own. Meanwhile, Fi feels invasive to Betas because the subtle adaptation of Fi out of consideration for the feelings of others ends up creating a powerful yin effect that alters the feelings of Betas "from the inside." In other words, Fi creates a resonance of feeling, rather than a resonance of thought. The odd sensation of losing control over one's feelings, because the source of the feeling appears to be coming from within them rather than without, is destructive to a sense of identity. Betas are used to electric feeling and can do that all day. Magnetic feeling pulls at them from the inside in some really uncomfortable way, and that is seen as damaging to their identities. All the introverted elements have the capacity to create that insidious yin effect in the extroverted element of the same domain. This is why Fi feels invasive to Betas and Ti feels invasive to Deltas. Of course, the active state doesn't feel invasive in that micro insidious sort of way. The active state is obviously presented as an external influence. But then it just seems like autocratic dictatorship.

Contrary introverted elements are thus seen as manipulative, and contrary extroverted elements as barbaric.

Can you factor Gamma Quadra into this dynamic and speak to that, if possible, pretty please?