I have very deepseated emotions but it's hard for me to express them in the moment. And can be outwardly unexpressive. Being around people who constantly have their heart on their sleeve can be draining. Or it is a lot to take in for me. I want to understand people, and can empathize but when it gets to a point where people are dumping everything out, it gets to a point where I just sit there quietly and don't know what to say. In group settings, I do naturally read into the emotional atmosphere, and like to have my place in the group.

If it gets to a point where people are expecting me to share more than I am comfortable with, that is when I begin to withdraw. Or I begin to give shorter, generic answers and get significantly quieter. Especially when they try to pry emotions out of me before I am ready to talk about them. When I process them, I talk about them but in the moment, it's a struggle for me.