Originally I decided to post it in this section of the forum because it was out of the way, and yet not messing up any other part of the forum. Then I realized it correlates very well with the "Journey" thread. And finally, I realized that it seems stereotypically alpha anyways.....

Without further ado,

I am going to break from classical socionics for a bit. I will continue posting in this forum of course, because socionics will still be very relevant to me. I will use this thread to discuss certain breaks I am making, from the standpoint that I am an LII. I am not sure just what to make of what I am doing, but I know I must go forward to find out the truth. I may just realize that nothing really has changed, I may not. But it is time to press forward. So basically, everything from here on out (in this thread at least) will be diverting from the restraints of classic socionics somewhat. Again - classic socionics is great, but this is one lead I am going to follow regardless of what other people have written.

PS: In one sense, I believe what I am doing makes me more LII than ever before -- it is, without a doubt, a mental/understanding type of fascination and draw. But it incorporates much, much more than just "the mind".