Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
Quote Originally Posted by Joy
LOL, INTps bring out the >= l in me.
aw, how come?
Eh, I was just kidding. In truth I've only known a couple that I can think of, and they have been rather cranky people much of the time. Excessive crankiness and negativity is very irritating in most people.

Actually, ESFps bring out the talkative side of me, ISFjs can anger me like no other, INFps make me feel very comfortable and welcome to be myself and still intellectually stimulated, and they seem to be quite amused with me for the most part. INTjs intellectually stimulate me but make me feel like I need to behave- I can say the "cold" things that come to mind but I'd better be careful not to say anything too foolish, silly, or superficial (about myself at least). ENFps seem like my hero at first- I greatly respect them and relate to them well and think "I wish I was always like that", because in truth I am like ENFps a lot of the time. But then I change my mind. LOL The ISTps are cool and I can have casual converstation, but because I don't feel as comfortable ranting as I would say with an INFp, I end up feeling a little bored sometimes because I feel like I'm boring them. ISTps are the type that I feel safe around though because I know that if there was a crisis they would be there (my brother is rahter lazy and selfish day to day but he'd be one of my first calls during a breakdown). I'm not sure if I have ever met an INFj IRL, but from what I know of them and the e-converstations I have had, I tend to be more honest with myself around them and positive about myself as well. I greatly respect INFjs (possibly more than any other type?). Hmmmmmm how am I forgeting? Oh, other ENTps make me feel more sane. (where as an INFp makes me enjoy feeling crazy) I think of all the other types I relate to ENFps and INTJs the best, and INTps when I'm depressed (not something I like to be reminded of).