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Thread: why Se types seem to make things look easy

  1. #1
    Joy's Avatar
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    Default why Se types seem to make things look easy Ni types, at least.

    Se types are static. They either see a task or project as done or not done. If it's not done and needs to be done, they get it done. It's that simple.

    Ni types are dynamic. They envision a project as a series of things they will need to do instead of simply "done" or "not done". Completing the project seems more complex or energy consuming to the Ni type, even if they are every bit as capable of completing the project as the Se type.

    (Obviously, Se types are capable of seeing the steps involved in the completion of a project, just as Ni types are capable of understanding that a project is done or not done. The idea is that they're likely to view the project from one perspective more so than the other.)

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  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    you're just lazy
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
    meatburger's Avatar
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    Haha nah its just Se.

    My ISTj dad is constantly fixing / doing something. Whether it be organising files/finances to working in the garden. Day in and day out. Today he looked a little upset so i helped him today and will be helping tomorrow. He doesn't make things look easy to me but he does show how lazy i am. My helping him will buy a little bit of a connection which is better than nothing.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  4. #4
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Haha nah its just Se.

    My ISTj dad is constantly fixing / doing something. Whether it be organising files/finances to working in the garden. Day in and day out. Today he looked a little upset so i helped him today and will be helping tomorrow. He doesn't make things look easy to me but he does show how lazy i am. My helping him will buy a little bit of a connection which is better than nothing.
    Yeah my dad is quite restless, too. I always tell him that it's useless to rearrange 10 times his workbench in a different (yet always orderly) way; he agrees with me, then proceeds at doing that once more. Lol.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  5. #5
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    you're just lazy
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Um I think this is full of shit. I don't have much in me either but when I want something done I just do it too. The problem is the things people get done are just the obvious things.

    Not getting things done comes from laziness or simply not caring. How is this a function thing? If your 'heart' (whatever you want to call your willpower) isn't in something you won't do it. And your willpower or force of confidence is related to your functions.

    I just spent about 5 weeks creating an RPG game for me and my friends to play. To people who don't know how to look beneath the surface it would appear that I am lazy and just wasting my time on things that supposedly don't matter, but I felt like I put my heart and soul into my work and World of Warcraft can kiss my ass. types are only good at things that types are good at. To act like they get more things done on a larger scale is just stupidity. They make horrible scientists for one, because they're too hands-on. With many activities you have to be an observer. If you get 'too involved' you'll just fuck EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) up. Also remember, that being dynamic and doing a lot of things also means you create more things to do along the way. So what do you really get accomplished? Probably not much. Because it's just about how manifests itself.

    My ESTp neighbor is very successful with her career. But seriously that is ALL she does well, but it is easy to see her as successful since a job is such a big part of a person's life. But her personal relationships are in the shitter. She might be losing her only teenage son. Her house is a complete wreck and she doesn't have the inner patience to learn anything that takes more than a few hours to learn. And it's not just because she's an ESTp either, it's because I think she's the only Beta on the block. I think it drives her crazy that she's with nothing but Alpha and Deltas.

  7. #7
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I think Se types can be good at everything. I know I am, if you want a living example
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  8. #8

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Um I think this is full of shit. I don't have much in me either but when I want something done I just do it too. The problem is the things people get done are just the obvious things.

    Not getting things done comes from laziness or simply not caring. How is this a function thing? If your 'heart' (whatever you want to call your willpower) isn't in something you won't do it. And your willpower or force of confidence is related to your functions.

    I just spent about 5 weeks creating an RPG game for me and my friends to play. To people who don't know how to look beneath the surface it would appear that I am lazy and just wasting my time on things that supposedly don't matter, but I felt like I put my heart and soul into my work and World of Warcraft can kiss my ass. types are only good at things that types are good at. To act like they get more things done on a larger scale is just stupidity. They make horrible scientists for one, because they're too hands-on. With many activities you have to be an observer. If you get 'too involved' you'll just fuck EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) up. Also remember, that being dynamic and doing a lot of things also means you create more things to do along the way. So what do you really get accomplished? Probably not much. Because it's just about how manifests itself.

    My ESTp neighbor is very successful with her career. But seriously that is ALL she does well, but it is easy to see her as successful since a job is such a big part of a person's life. But her personal relationships are in the shitter. She might be losing her only teenage son. Her house is a complete wreck and she doesn't have the inner patience to learn anything that takes more than a few hours to learn. And it's not just because she's an ESTp either, it's because I think she's the only Beta on the block. I think it drives her crazy that she's with nothing but Alpha and Deltas.
    damn I do the same kind of things. I've spent days and weeks editing/pulling apart games, learning their scripts and editing/creating new objects by hand with a text editor. Then more weeks in paintshop doing my own textures... all just to make custom maps and shit for me and friends. They always have serrious "wow!" factor that blows away what the developers did/intended for the game.

    But good luck trying to get my ass up and out looking for a job or cutting the grass when I don't feel like it

  10. #10
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Haha yeah exactly.

    We sooo need to create a socionics RPG!!!

  11. #11
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think Se types can be good at everything. I know I am, if you want a living example
    They're not very convincing liars, are they?
    You're right, there's one thing we're not good at - lying. So it's not everything

    Bionicgoat: well, definitely that's more fun than working. Find yourself a girl that likes to have games tailored for her when she comes back home?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think Se types can be good at everything. I know I am, if you want a living example
    They're not very convincing liars, are they?
    You're right, there's one thing we're not good at - lying. So it's not everything

    Bionicgoat: well, definitely that's more fun than working. Find yourself a girl that likes to have games tailored for her when she comes back home?
    I could so get into a gaming girl... I met a few really cool ones at my last job but they didn't work the right shifts for me to get away with giving them the mojo (like I have mojo ) without it conflicting with the manager-employee divide that you're supposed to follow.

  13. #13
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    I take the steps in my head, like . But I do seem to try to preserve energy, and only TAKE the steps when I want to, or have to when others are involved. (Depending on me, etc...)

    If you make the steps in your head first, you can use the right about of energy on each task, and estimate how much you'll have left over when the unpleasent task is done. Which leaves you with energy to do "blank". For me, I like to have energy for socializing. If I lose it and still HAVE to socialize, I'd be sarcastic, slightly bitchy, mimialistic unless I'm aggitated or feel the need to speak up (happens a lot regardless of my will power trying to stop it).
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  14. #14
    meatburger's Avatar
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    In a way i can the ultimate lazy man and i know its related to my type. I will get out of my car and notice my umbrella on the drivers seat and think hmm should i get it? Nah. Then i do that 10 times in a row

    My dad wants me to fix his CD burner and i have a few ideas how but that would require me to pull his pc out and look inside it. It would probablly take me about 10 minutes but i cant seem to rowse myself.

    I was supposed to book circus tickets last week but i didn't. Finally did today. I think it took me 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

    I almost feel like im constantly sapped of energy as im always switching what im doing so often.

    Anyways!!! Im gonna go fix my dads burner now.......

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Anyways!!! Im gonna go fix my dads burner now.......

    I've killed like 5 burners trying to realign the lasers on them to work right again It's not as easy as the text files make it seem.

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