Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
Maybe you're fooling yourself? This sounds like complete hocus pocus to me, and I believe in VI.

I've considered that. Sometimes, I probably have. That's why experimental validation is important. Speculation is fun, but it has to work.

I respect your opinion and can see why it sounds like hocus pocus. I'm not forcing this down everyone's throats ISO wide acceptance. Only sharing ideas for those who may also recognize what I'm talking about and find it useful like I have.

There are some people in the world who are far more intuitive than others. Now, maybe if these intuitions take the form of visual associations for such folks, then so be it - the brain is processing that abstract information in some way, to be represented to the self SOME how, at least that is identifiable. Maybe, if nothing more, it's like how some people claim they can "see colors" when they hear music? That just sounds weird, but obviously their brains are consistently making those connections SOMEhow.

Anyway, at the risk of sounding like a freak, I sadly and reluctantly admit that I am an unusually intuitive and sensitive person when it comes to *feeling* and *visually perceiving* certain vibrations, in any number of contexts. I have had many experiences in life whereby my (visual and/or feeling) intuitions of various forms have subsequently been validated by other people. But anymore, I generally try and ignore this as much as possible, insulate myself against it, and try to live like everyone else. Don't know how much this is factoring into my v.i., though. Perhaps it has, more than I knew.