Maybe. Sometimes I just plain forget. But I finally figured out that a big part of the problem is: I do tab browsing, and when my browser opens a new tab, I get automatically logged out - not always, but often.

About arrogance: I can't say anything about ENFPs, because I'm the only ENFP I know, but this statement that ENFPs can be especially arrogant surprised me. Perhaps it's true - I don't know. I'd have thought we're far too busy being excited about life, the universe and all those wonderful people out there to be really arrogant. "Aren't I great! And aren't you great! And look, that view from this window, WOW, stunning! And isn't everything just great!" and so on.

I don't think ISTPs are arrogant per se. They can be, but then again, who can't? My brother is one, and all in all he's quietly amused by how strange most people are, and his philosophy is "live and let live" (or, as someone so memorably put it, "if I want to hear your opinion, I'll beat it out of you"). Hm - perhaps that may seem arrogant to some people. But he doesn't hate interference because he thinks he's right and everyone else is wrong. He just hates interference, period. [/quote]

I think my browser and this website have a love/hate-relationship going on.