Quote Originally Posted by dee
I'm going to list some bits of my earlier posts, which I think back up the argument for Ne role:

Also, I sometimes, if not usually, try to always show my sincere interest in what other people are saying, which is really a role. Also, brainstorming comes pretty easily to me and I'm not too discomforted by it, sometimes even quite energized. So it could mean Super Ego Ne, but not PoLR.
I would say my Ne is more of a role since, as I said, I keep consciously projecting interest when in conversations when I might not at all be interested, which is quite frequently the case. I also do that stare five meters in front of me thing together squinting.
That could have more to do with Fe than Ne, really, and it doesn't exactly fit Ne Role. (I do it too.) This is a pretty good description of what Ne Role is supposed to look like:

Quote Originally Posted by wikisocion.org

The individual is uncertain of other people's motives, intentions, and abilities and prefers to give them clear commands and assignments and judge their intentions and potential by whether or not they fulfill these demands.

The individual tends to openly express mistrust and skepticism towards all unexpected or novel behavior and developments, as well as towards information about things that he or she has not experienced directly. This mistrustful attitude usually goes away after the person has the chance to deal with the new thing, event, or behavior directly for a period of time and get used to it. People with Image:symbol_i.gif in this position (SLE, SEE) are able to orient themselves quickly when they are in direct contact with events, things, or behavior, but when they are told about them too far in advance or simply in the form of "random information that may come in handy some day," they usually don't know how to react to this information.

The individual prefers to know what awaits him in specific areas in the near future rather than what awaits him "in general" and in areas that don't affect his central interests.
Based on what you have said, I think you value Ne. You seem quite comfortable with it. From your sig: "please participate in typing me. even the wildest ideas are accepted." At the very least, that rules out Ne Role.

Laughing That's a pretty good argument for Si. I think you could be either ESFj or ISFp, but most likely ESFj.
I don't really see how it is a good argument for Si in Ego.
What I was getting at is that Ni types tend to see Si data as random and disconnected.

Also, my mother is ESFj and she said once that we're of the same type. We also understand each other really well, but does what I said earlier about her, namely that "I must always keep my vigilance not to let her start controlling me all over. I also see her as very simple and too chaotic, worrying too much and generally being like a baby" support the hypothesis? As for ISFp, I know a couple and I could see some similarities between me and them. But can't I see similarities with really any type?!
Your relationship with your mother could very well support INFp. Though I have similar problems with my father, who is my mirror. It could just be a parental thing.

Even in the descriptions, for example, I can identify with like loooads from each type.
Yeah, this supports weak Ti.

Let's say you have to choose between IP and EJ. Which suits you best?

(Descriptions here.)