Quote Originally Posted by Cheerio
Well its a good question concerning the practical application of these ideas, but I have to ask why every single thing has to have a practical application. Not everything has to have a practical application, thats when things get their beauty is when they are useless. Its not because fireworks for ligthing that they are beautiful.

We live in a very materialistic society which only values external output for a "productive"purpose(that is productivity in the material world), and not any form of spiritual or deep contemplation, so I can understand that what I just said might be hard to digest for a modern man, but I think that there is more to the universe,if you want there to be, than just that which we can utilize for our materialistic ends.
What I mean by practicality is just what you said isn't practicality. In my eyes, practical use is any use that can be used to help others with any aspect of their lives. I will admit, I do love the topic of philosophy, but only in a spiritual way, i.e. that which only applies to me. What you people discuss is useless in my eyes, because all you are doing is trying to solve hypothetical questions that seemingly point towards the general nature of existence itself. But one can never understand why things exist if one merely exists. If you want to understand the system, you must be higher than it, more complex than it, and work faster than it. If you are the system, you're never going to understand it.

Your INTp friend,
