Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean
Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
What is Julian Jaynes' theory

Alright, you really have to stick with me on this one.

If you are religious, you will not like it. It also does not sound right because nothing sounds anything like it.

So do you want to take the blue pill
The Red pill: http://www.buildfreedom.com/tl/tl11.shtml



That's some dense shit, Jim.

I scanned it, but at this hour on a Friday night my mind just won't get around all those drop down menus in every sentence. Any chance you'd boil it down for us??

1.) If you are familiar with Plato’s philosophy, then think the opposite of what he prescribed.

2.) Consciousness is a tool for adhering to reality.

3.) Reality exists, and can be best understood by abstraction. I will give you a site relating to this if you want me to.

4.) Consciousness evolved (according to Jaynes) relatively recently. Human beings went from relying on hallucinations, to being “right.” It is speculated that people will eventually evolve even further.

By the way, consciousness here is not defined as awake versus asleep, alert versus tired. It is defined as a subjective awareness of time, the self, the ability to create what is not visible, etc. etc.

I might explain more later on.