Basically, we have
Person A who deliberately induced an emotional state in Person B.
Person A may or may not be aware of what the exact emotions were brought up, nor the extent/degree of said emotions.
Person A did not feel the emotions Person B did.

Person B responds by expressing some of the results of said emotions, along with judgments on the actions of inducing said emotions.
Person B may or may not be aware of what emotions these expressions may be inducing in Person A, what the exact emotions are being brought up, nor the extent/degree of said emotions.
Person B is not feeling the emotions Person A is.

Person A is expressing some of the results of the first expressions, along with judgments on the actions of expressing the results of A's first actions.

and so on and so on..

It seems to me that
* both parties are projecting intent/motivation upon the other party,
* both parties are justifying their actions/reactions,
* both parties seem to be seeking "justice" of some kind,
* neither party is empathizing with the other, and
* neither seem to be seeking a resolution to the problem.

and so the "drama" will continue...
or one of the parties will call a cease fire (though unexpressed ill thoughts will remain)...
and/or the friendship will end

(a link to a post I once did regarding drama: )

and *sigh* i'll quit avoiding what i've been avoiding...
thanks for the breather , uninspired