Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
See above. We didn't intend to hurt ANYONE, much less induce a "feverish emotional state". We thought she'd come to think it was funny after the whole situation was over. We didn't rip into people's character with the INTENTION OF HURTING THEM like she did.
1. do you deny intending to induce negative emotions in her...isn't that what the whole prank involved??? inducing fear, worry, a sudden state of fight vs flight (all on your behalfs, mind)? sometimes upon relief of the stress (being told it was just a joke) can induce a different chemical to make amends for the previous chemical induced....but some people it takes a little longer for that good chemical to kick in

2. you're forgetting that as an enfp, she's not saying/doing these things with any other intent than expressing herself, expressing her anger at what was done to her, expressing her fear/worry and that chemical that obviously remained in her system long enough to feed her anger which....as an exfp...she needs to vent out before she can release it from within

one of the common difficulties between enfp and infp is when
1. an infp interprets the actions of an enfp as if the enfp were an infp
2. an enfp interprets the actions of an infp as if the infp were an enfp