I, for one, didn't say = stronger ethics, I said INFjs are more likely to have concern for global issues - i.e. they are more depersonalized in this regard than INFps. in INFps is more interpersonal than in INFjs, which is more intrapersonal. INFjs don't like to criticize one particular individual - they are more likely to question the motives of a group of people IMO. Both and can be intense about issues, but they work in different spheres.

If INFps are already in a group of their own choosing, they express how they feel about things - but it tends to be on a person-to-person basis - INFjs on the otherhand, tend not to say how they feel directly - you deduce from their global perspectives about what they think about one specific case of 'moral injustice', as you can deduce from a INFps response to 'local' issues what their global perspective is.