Quote Originally Posted by Baby
I, for one, want to be a GREAT memory.
Yes, yes, exactly! That's what I wanted to get across. But I was being too vague again, wasn't I?

The "cog in the machine" is just an allusion to the philosophical issue of free will vs. fate. Technically, it's impossible to not be a cog in the machine, if by "machine" we mean the world itself, because as long as you are mortal, you're of the world.

I could have applied it to capitalism, being that I don't want to be another factor of consumerism. Or at least not a MAJOR factor, like some people are.

Another thing: the ancient Greeks were afraid of death, and that's why they created the concepts of universals: things that are infinite, unlike finite man. I am afraid of death, and that's why I choose to make a place in this world, to create something that will outlive me and last forever. I can't live forever, so my best bet is to hope that incarnation is real.

By the way, I am not depressed, and I never was depressed. I contemplate the meaning of life, because it is what I do normally, not when I'm down and out about life.