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Thread: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

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    Default The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Yes, except having that attitude means denying you exist, which defeats the purpose of existing.

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    There are no "shoulds" that one can derive through empirical means, but disregarding ALL such "shoulds" would be a negation of one's life.

    At least, that's my antidote to the problem proposed by "The Myth of Sysyphus."
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    that only works so long as your life is not negated in other ways.

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    Very true, but simply assuming the value of particular shoulds is the only way to put to rest such existential despair.

    It's the only way I overcame it, anyway.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Gosh, Cone. I know you are going to get a ton of different answers here. Most of them will depend on the writer's religious viewpoint.

    I figure life is what you make of it. Why bother banging your head trying to figure out a purpose? Just live. If you have a need to make a mark on the world, then do so. Hopefully what you leave behind will be of benefit to future generations. And what exactly is meant by making your mark? Do you want people to remember your name forever? There are some serial killers who have their name in lights. There are millions of dead with no name anyone will ever remember who have enabled you to live and breath free. They have made their mark on my life and in my mind and I am very grateful.

    We all have to live by societies rules in order to maintain some degree of peace, quiet, and safety. But other than that live life to the fullest. It's the only one you get . . . that we know of. Breath deep of all the wonders and glories that the world has to offer . . . the good stuff. Travel as much as you can and learn about other peoples and cultures . . . laugh often . . . make lots of friends . . . love often (not to be confused with lots of sex). Care about yourself and care about others. Realize that you are not in charge of or responsible for all the ills in the world. That is not to say overlook the distressed or downtrodden. Love and look after your fellowman. Care. Give a shit.

    Eat healthy. Take pride and care of your body and mind. Love yourself. You can't love or care for anyone else if you don't love and care for yourself first. Let life happen. Don't hold back. You have nothing to lose. Don't let fear rule your life. Live and learn all you can. Our physical bodies come to an end someday but WE don't. Death is not a end but a beginning. It is the grand horizon of what is yet to come. How and what we learn and do in this life determines our understanding and success in the spiritual realm. Life never ends.

    Follow you heart where ever it leads. Only you can make you happy.

    But above all else . . . (how many times have you heard me say this?) Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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    Default Re: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
    I worry about those things all the time. Especially being as unproductive as I am, I have plenty of time to ponder the nature of my potential in this life, as it slowly but surely decays. This existence is so far removed from the fundamentals. The society we are born into is often so contrived and shallow, it's hard to see past anything but the domestic dramas, the brand names, the contrived expectations of people with screwed priorities and become short-sighted to the big picture.

    But, I like to think that I am all the better for having lived in this world than not having lived at all. Life isn't meaningless. Life has a significance in and of itself. It kills me inside to know that I could be doing so much with the time I have here, but I just lack the motivation.

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    I periodically doubt my own existence. As far as accomplishment, accomplishment is VERY important to me, so I get all manic-like and accomplish awesome things. Then I go through periods of needing leisure above all else.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Default Re: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
    I worry about those things all the time. Especially being as unproductive as I am, I have plenty of time to ponder the nature of my potential in this life, as it slowly but surely decays. This existence is so far removed from the fundamentals. The society we are born into is often so contrived and shallow, it's hard to see past anything but the domestic dramas, the brand names, the contrived expectations of people with screwed priorities and become short-sighted to the big picture.

    But, I like to think that I am all the better for having lived in this world than not having lived at all. Life isn't meaningless. Life has a significance in and of itself. It kills me inside to know that I could be doing so much with the time I have here, but I just lack the motivation.
    Thanks, Baby, that's the answer I was looking for. It's not that I don't think life is meaningless, it's just that I don't really know if it is or not, and if it is, what is its meaning? But you're right; I would much rather be alive than not alive.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    A, a common topic for me to ponder. A few thougths here:

    Life has no absolute purpose which can be described with rules like "Do this and go to heaven". Because of that it is easy to be a bit depressed when staring into the abyss, knowing there is no purpose. Especially as you can see that most of society is suceeding pretty well in not realising it, or perhaps they just manage to cover it with neurotic consumerism, who knows.

    It's like being a slave in one land. Nearby there is a very wide river. You can choose to leave your existance, or perhaps even be forced to do it, and the swim over the river is not easy either. A lot of the time it feels like you should just give up, and sink, and some do, but when you are finally there, you are free. You are alone, and have to do everything yourself, but if you only manage create your own purpose, then you will be fine, and most likely better off than before. It's not for everyone though. This is one of the situations where circular reasoning must be utilised, the meaning of life is life itself. Live it and accept it.

    My philosophical preferences must be obvious...

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    If life has no purpose, then why bother taking responsibility for anything?

    I think it is because "what comes around, goes around", which is based ona a survival instinct. But then - why should anybody carry on surviving?

    Why carry on living?

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    You bunch of sour pussies.

    I recently rewatched City of Angels with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage. Remember how wonderful it was for angel Cage to touch and feel and taste when he became human? Experience all that life has to offer. Touch . . . Taste . . . Feel . . . Experience! Life is wonderful and should be celebrated. Life is a gift. Open it . . . Use it . . . Roll around in it . . . GET A LIFE!

    The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers. It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow. I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.

    from Gitanjali
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  13. #13
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    "Why carry on living?"

    It depends; if you like life, that's reason enough. If you don't, then no, I don't see a reason to continue to live.

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    Touch . . . Taste . . . Feel . . . Experience

    Been there...done that.

    Of course, to gain new sensations you have to try new things. But then there is a limit to this.

    This leads people to say "Same crap, different day".

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    Well then you get into the issue of ethics and how to live a life with the maximum amount of happiness. I believe this is done by simply "observing" reality, and not reacting nor supressing one's desires.

    Though I'm sure you have your own opinion on this matter.

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    ...not reacting nor supressing one's desires
    If you don't react, then doesn't this lead to/amount to suppression?

    If you don't suppress, then doesn't this lead to/amount to reaction?

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    It's basically detaching one's self from all of one's expectations---one's "ego agenda"--a very difficult thing to do.

    And such a request is accomplished by simply "observing" them, by noting them as they rise and interpreting them no further.

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    ...but how does this bring happiness?

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    I feel something of a need to contribute.

    Although I was raised as a Catholic, I am now veering towards Buddhism. Buddhism is, as I see it, at the core of virtually every religion and has a firm grounding. My faith in it is not total, but with time I may have glimpses of enlightenment that will solidify my belief. In Buddhism, life is a pursuit of truth and purity.

    That is, for me and in Buddhism, the purpose of life.

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    life is a pursuit of truth and purity
    I'm a Muslim and believe that the Ultimate Truth is God, and that the purpose of life is to pursue God with total purity.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    ...but how does this bring happiness?
    It frees you from all responsibility. Detaching from reality and simply "observing" is what INTxs do. I enjoy it well enough.

    See, in order to be truly happy, you have to realize that there is no purpose to life. Accepting that there is a purpose to life means you are accepting your fate as a cog in a machine. You have a definite purpose, and thus it is unchangeable.

    Everyone wants to be God. Accepting your purpose in life just screws you over in that department.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Default Re: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
    Cone, haven't we discussed "Lord Pladdington syndrome" before? For those who don't know (or don't care), Lord Pladdington is the local fry cook for Lonestar. He's a depressed person because he refuses to take action in his life.

    Basically, Cone wonders about such things because he himself refuses to take action. Even when I knew him, he didn't do much (which was fine, as no one else did anything). Now that you're officially an adult-like human (because your a hybrid of child and adult until you're 21, by which time you should be mature. Cone is already almost mature, except that he needs to live life first). If you want to lay with another human, persue that, don't sit here questioning it. Realize that in the time it takes you to get a lady friend, you could be cruising around town picking up all the ladies. So, you need to rearrange your priorities to get that one down.

    Also, there's nothing in life you're "supposed" to do, just things that are common for people to do. I myself never put much stock in the pursuit of material things, and as such, am I happy person. If you truely want to be happy, don't care about what others think of you and don't care about what you think people think about you.

    Also, remember that just by existing, you've left your mark on the world. Even right now, you've influenced at least 10 people, possbily in a world-changing way. Think of it like this. The sick and dying kid in the hospital drives the researchers to find a cure for his disease. That cure will help millions of other people. As such, his death was not in vein (obvously a sick and dying kid would most likely die before the cure was made). Further, a person who just talks to people will influence them. Realize that Jesus himself (should that be "Himself"?) basically just went around talking, and we're still talking about Him 2000 years later.

    Also, you influenced me, encouraging me to become a better programmer and to possibly learn the piano whenever I can afford one (anyone have a piano for 20 usd?) (I won't learn it now, far too busy with current affairs, however in about 5 years, it would be a nice ability to know, so I may pass it on to my children in 10 years). You influenced Madam Hallington to become a sociable human, although I had the unfortunate part in the affair to drive her out (Artemis is a close enough clone and we get along well as can be). Also, the revitalization of Madam Hallington's social life (wow, I just realized how many unfounded conclusions I've drawn in this last paragraph alone) has encouraged my mother to become a slightly more sociable person (the problem is that she's going blind, so every social moment is a reminder that it won't last long).

    So, what haven't you influenced? You must realize that the simple things are what matters. I think of it this way: say you did a wrong to someone. That influenced their children to despise you. Then you die, so they dispise your children. Years later, after both families become political powers, a major war begins. This was called the "War of the Roses" (or was it the Hundred Years' War that started like that?). See, two people just influencing and interacting eventually caused a major war. As such, your existance could possible cause a war, or it could cure a disease, or it could create the best concerto ever created. You never know, and as such, you must take that as truth.

    To Hugo: even you eventual suicide would influence matters (I'll be honest, you sound one bad word towards a brainy floor). From that, we'd realize just how our actions influence those of others. The forum will never be the same because we'll finally know that our "pet psychology" has a real affect on people, and it shouldn't be used to discusss trivial matters and anger people. So, you'd have a purpose (although you don't have to go so far as to do that, just create another name and post that "Hugo died today at <time>, he wanted me to pass this on to you all". It would be preferrable if you did that, although I have no power over your actions (did you expect me to beg for your life? You control your life, I don't. I consider the suicidal to be terrorists on a level, because they refuse to get help and simply wish to spread chaos around the world. So either get help or do whatever you want to do).

    Also, there is a purpose in life (as evidenced in the above 10 paragraphs). There is no such thing as a "cog in the machine", as we all have a purpose, yet a free will. You, and you alone, decide your fate. Actually, right now is your time to decide. The collegic years are where 90% of your life choices are made, so what you decide now will permanently affect your life. So, begin the decisions, live life and above all, don't <censored> up in the process.
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


    Warning: can be long-winded when writing. Allow for a minimum of 20 minutes to read each individual post of mine

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    Also, remember that just by existing, you've left your mark on the world. Even right now, you've influenced at least 10 people, possbily in a world-changing way.
    Exactly. Cone, do you know the movie "It's a wonderful life"? Highly recommended!
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    ...but how does this bring happiness?
    But how does the way that most society bring happiness? It doesn't for me, and hence I hardly expect other people to find any pleasure in my search for the truth. We might be alone, but not necessarily lonely.

    Cone, I assume that you are talking about an external and absolute form of purpose as perceived by the individual, am I right? In that case the key word is the acceptance of the purpose, and I do not believe everyone to have the ability to actually reject this purpose, and still find a meaning in life as they are unable to find a one within themselves. These people are better of as cogs in a machine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    ...but how does this bring happiness?
    you speak as if the end is happiness. some of the most despicable things make man the happiest and some of the happiest moments are no more than contentment in misery.

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    @Earl: Didn't really need an entire book for a reply.

    @Kim/Earl: Yes, I realize that I have influenced people. But my question is, why should I stop there? Why should I be content with influencing ten when I can influence a million? Maybe I should just say it: I don't want to be a normal human being. Perhaps I am just delusional though? Too hyped up on the taste of power and fantasy?

    @Heimdallr: I'm talking about any purpose, internal or external, because either way, they are the same thing. Maybe people are better off as cogs in a machine, but I just see too much depression among these people to believe it. And what's also strange is that even eternal happiness means being a cog. Maybe there's no way out of it? I don't know...
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Default Re: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Thanks, Baby, that's the answer I was looking for. It's not that I don't think life is meaningless, it's just that I don't really know if it is or not, and if it is, what is its meaning? But you're right; I would much rather be alive than not alive.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. It's all well and good to say "live life to its fullest - enjoy all that it has to offer - drink in the intricate beauties of all that this life can provide" but I still wonder... Does living life to it's fullest mean we should emerse ourselves in the empirical world and the workaday world? THAT to me would be a meaningless existence. Yet, it's what my parents, my peers, my professors, just about everyone around me is telling me amounts to a "meaningful" life. Do you come across that same phenomena?

    And although I find that sort of existence meaningless, at the same time, I don't know what is meaningful to me, either, lol.

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    "...but how does this bring happiness?"

    It frees one from the source of all suffering: attachment.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Cone: The reason I asked was that it highly depends on how you define being a cog in a machine. We are all parts of the current social order, and we really have no way out of it but suicide, a thing that I myself am not considering as I happen to enjoy life. Ted Kazscinsky (the unabomber) tried to live outside the society that he hated. This worked for some time, but the futility in this idea occurred to him as he saw that a highway had been built through the thus far untouched nature that he saw as his, hence he started to send his bombs. In a way we are all mere consumers, but do we accept to be pigeon holed as nothing but this? Is it even possible for us to escape the social order? Hardly, even if you decide to live alone in the forest you will still carry your experiences and social conditioning within you.

    The depression you talk about might even be result of something completely different, a lack of a shared purpose caused by the fact that every single traditional community has been torn apart today, leaving people in a futile pursuit to be "unique" and find an "identity", leaving them as easy prey for our dear products that will "change your life". All to fill a void that they simply are not equipped to fill on their own.

    Perhaps the distinction that I was really aiming for is this one. On the one hand you have the person who can accept that the meaning of life is indeed life, who indeed finds a meaning wherever he goes, while the person who needs to constantly be told what it is, an idea that really is odd, can’t adapt and ends up as depressed whenever this outer “solution” isn’t there. Perhaps we should just substitute purpose here with another word, as the word purpose implies an absolute goal with your existence, and THAT does certainly not exist.

    Another thing which I just can't help to comment on. The lack of action also inluences people, sometimes more than actually acting, but it generally is in a "negative" way. Your (perceived) choice not to act will have just as large effects in changing the causal chain as acting. However, due to it's completely reactive nature, it is not like you will accomplish anything by not acting, it is just a slow but steady march closer to grave for both society and the individual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heimdallr
    Cone: The reason I asked was that it highly depends on how you define being a cog in a machine. We are all parts of the current social order, and we really have no way out of it but suicide, a thing that I myself am not considering as I happen to enjoy life.
    To be honest, I don't understand this "cog in the machine" idea. We are no more than human. Cone says he doesn't want to be a normal person - he wants to be an influential person. I think that's great. I want to be influential person too! I've got spacey, possibly futile, delusional dreams. I'm not going to stop dreaming because I am bound to trivialities. However, being an influential human does not make one any less human. That is what we cannot escape. But that's not a bad thing at all, is it?

    On the "how does it make you happy" thing, I see it this way: Acknowledging what is unimportant to you, liberates you from it. Cone says he wants to set out and change the world. There's nothing wrong with that. At death, we will be nothing more than a memory. I, for one, want to be a GREAT memory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    I, for one, want to be a GREAT memory.
    Yes, yes, exactly! That's what I wanted to get across. But I was being too vague again, wasn't I?

    The "cog in the machine" is just an allusion to the philosophical issue of free will vs. fate. Technically, it's impossible to not be a cog in the machine, if by "machine" we mean the world itself, because as long as you are mortal, you're of the world.

    I could have applied it to capitalism, being that I don't want to be another factor of consumerism. Or at least not a MAJOR factor, like some people are.

    Another thing: the ancient Greeks were afraid of death, and that's why they created the concepts of universals: things that are infinite, unlike finite man. I am afraid of death, and that's why I choose to make a place in this world, to create something that will outlive me and last forever. I can't live forever, so my best bet is to hope that incarnation is real.

    By the way, I am not depressed, and I never was depressed. I contemplate the meaning of life, because it is what I do normally, not when I'm down and out about life.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    The "cog in the machine" is just an allusion to the philosophical issue of free will vs. fate. Technically, it's impossible to not be a cog in the machine, if by "machine" we mean the world itself, because as long as you are mortal, you're of the world.
    Ah, okay. that's what I was confused about. I'd gotten the impression from Heimdallr's post that it had something to do with being mortal, and the only way to being unmortal is to go ahead and kill yourself. Someone once told me that 90% of our lives are predetermined for us - by our genes, by our parents and how they raise us, by the circumstances of the place into which we're born, (and feel free to insert our Socionics type in the mix somewhere, lol), etc. Now, we can sit around and do nothing to change that predermined fate, or work for something much more than that. The people who have truly become great in this world have all become great in spite of - not because of - those things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    . . . I don't want to be another factor of consumerism. Or at least not a MAJOR factor, like some people are.
    After some of the discussions you and I have had . . . that's me . . . MAJOR Factor.
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: The Philosophies of a Meaningless Life

    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

  36. #36

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    Default I think, therefore I am

    Cone, if you want to influence millions of people, become the next ******. If you want to be remembered for something good, cure a disease or create the first true AI (I know you can do it Cone, you just have to invent the language to do it).

    I, for one, wish to be remembered on what I have taught the world. I've actually almost accomplished this goal, as I've taught scores of people about the evils of elitism, the need to return to a more conservative base (partly because of religious ideas, but mostly because such liberal behavior is destroying our society. I forsee murder as an act that is noted only by the grieving in the future (it actually almost is now)), and the need to express truth as you see it, and not to live in a policitally correct world all the time.

    Just in my 4 months on this site, note all that has changed. When I speak, debate occurs, not so with the majority of posts here. I see that Mr. Cone is starting to realize how to attract people's attention as well, so he can soon start influencing people via the media.

    To be a GREAT memory, have a life and do something that will change the world. You'd find far more happiness if you stopped listening to Madam Hallington (no disrespect towards her, just that a lot of her ideas seem to conflict Cone more than help him). Yes, I realize she's your mommy and all that, but anyone that tells you that you need to fornicate to have a worth obviously cannot be someone that I'd want to listen to (and you seem to think along similar lines, as you always agreed with me when I said something). Well, I realize that statement must really arg her off, but it tis my opinion and a valid point (would you listen to someone say that you need to kill someone to be accepted? You don't have to do anything to be of value to the world. Your existance helps us all). I apologize if Madam Hallington was offended by that statement, it was meant to prove a point to Cone, and the most direct example often works.

    If you need ideas in changing the world: become the next Freud or Jung, perhaps compose a musical piece that will be remembered by all, or save someone's life (be a firefighter or policeman, EMT or medical doctor). Technically, to be a "GREAT" memory, you need only to have lived. We are remembered not for what we have done, but for what we have accomplished. Continue your genetic legacy, the least you could do. Even if you aren't remembered, you'll be remembered as the father/grandfather, etc of someone great. My great^8 grandfather, Jacob was a simple immigrant. He came here and had a family, and that was his contribution to the world. Even if the world doesn't know him, I do, and I appreciate what he has done. Even if he didn't do anything (not much biographical information has been found on him), he created an entire family that has had ties to some mild world events (we've fought in wars, although as simple soldiers (the grunts are the ones who do the work, without them, commanders are nothing), we've worked (as anything from coal miner to steel worker, we've shaped the economy by offering first-class work, no matter what), and we've lived). As you can see, Mr. Cone, he probably wasn't a "great man", but he possibly changed world events. If it wasn't for him, there'd be that many more Nazis running through the woods killing others. There'd also be less materials available to fuel the Industrial Revolution and the Space Race. There'd also be other effects, so minute people can't think of them.

    Mr. Cone, as long as you interact with the world, you've done something. There's no guide to saying what will make you great and what won't. Becomming a politician is possibly the only thing that can guarantee some level of greatness (you can be the one to introduce key legislation or be the person who secures the vote for an important issue. Being President is clearly instant greatness). Other than that, you must work for greatness. Sometimes it comes by accident, others by dedication and hard work. The more time you spend thinking about it, the less time you have to do it.

    I can give you thousands of examples, but the pursuit of greatness is in itself, a futile effort. You end up spending far too much time worrying about whether your actions will make you great, and less time on actually being great. Also, your aspirations, although admirable, are very lofty. Perhaps some examples of how you want to be remembered would help us all.

    Finally: Mr. Cone, I'll write a book if I so please. Important debates aren't one-liners between people, but a series of complicated thoughts that can take paragraphs to fully express. I shall continue writing books because education is the basis of knowledge, which is what we use to interact. Without my "books", we run the risk of reducing our interactions to mere grunts. Sure, that's a nice "Butterfly Effect" analogy, but it could be true in 10,000 years.

    Anyway, if you're so worried about your life, why don't you live it? Realize aside from your studies and on this forum, you make no mention of interacting with people. Go somewhere nice and interact. Find some friends in your dorm and enjoy their company. I'd recommend the CS (computer science) wing, as they'll appreciate your programming skills. Also, people with such cerebral interests will appreciate sociology, as they'll want to explain their lives and interactions. In short, go and make some friends and teach them what you know. Don't worry about anything else but simple socilization.

    It's possibly your drive to fornicate that removes you from society. I call it the "Minor" effect, named after Brandon Minor, a fellow classmate of mine who is in the constant pursuit of females for dubious purposes. It is because he tries so hard (and obviously) to go after their physical bodies, that they are repelled by him. If it weren't for his blind drive for that, females might actually go with him (he has a female friend who actually knew him before he started on his insane quest, which is probably the only reason she still talks to him). So, as you see, relax and let the ladies come to you. Every "playa" knows that you must play it "cool" and not actively go after them. If you do, you reek of despiration. Perhaps we should have a poll entitled "would you date Cone?" and it would be based entirely off your desire to pursue physical means, not what they already know about you. See, if you think about it, it's sort of creepy, your drive to lay with a lady. If I was a female, and I heard someone like you, I'd probably have a restraining order on you.

    Basically Cone, relax and let things go as they will. Sure, cruise around town, but don't make it obvious that you're looking for ladies. Also, don't just walk in with a pickup line, but gently move in by complimenting her (slowly, nothing big at first). Here's a sample conversation:

    You walk up non-chalantly and ask her a question (make it relavent).
    Then, you complement her on something (no lines or anything, just find something you like and mention it (something on her face, not below the belt or neckline). Perhaps her personality (nothing "brainy" either)).
    Now, make simple conversation on things and enjoy your time.
    Finally, at the end, when either is about to leave, ask her if you could get together some time again for more discussion.

    That's basically it for the first day. Play it calm and slow, not too obvious, yet not too boring. Keep your comments to an average level (don't go in depth into the psychology behind colors) and smile (nothing creepy, just a nice, relaxed, smile) every now and then. Let her know you're comfortable in her presance, and that you don't mean anything to happen. The point of this is to pick up someone decent and make it meaningful. Even though your final aim is one of physical pleasure, you have to be interested in her. Also, don't set your sights so low, act as though she's going to be the one you'll marry. Never stop admiring her and never sound as though you've rehearsed anything.

    For more dating tips, ask the myriad ladies of the Forum. They've personally been on the receiving end, so they could help you more than I (or any man) could. Funny how I know all this, yet haven't a lady (because, my plan has been enacted for years now, although the plan is insignificant, because eventually you actually admire such qualities and don't care anymore about pursuit of physical means. In a few words: eventually your lust turns to love).

    Sorry for the book Cone, you can find it on paperback on March 11.
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


    Warning: can be long-winded when writing. Allow for a minimum of 20 minutes to read each individual post of mine

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    1. I think I know how to ask a girl out. It's just that I currently have no interest in starting a relationship.

    2. My initial post was meant to be a list of rhetorical questions; I wasn't asking for help. My only aim was to get you people to ask those questions yourself. I didn't think we all had definitive answers to everything.

    3. Earl, fall recess at the college is coming up, and I'm going to hunt you down and make you hang out with me. I WILL find you.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
    I feel like that when I've got to do nothing but housework all day. Some days I just want to scream: "And mankind evolved from apes - for THIS?!!" But that might be because I'm an intuitive. I had exactly the same issues: Isn't it all just an illusion, making ourselves comfortable here while in reality we should strive to achieve something? And shouldn't we stop wasting our time with all that small stuff?

    My take on your questions:

    Everything's meaningless and arbitrary. That's the curse of this world. It's all in Cohelet - what he says is basically that "life is shit and then you die". And the most meaningless and arbitrary thing of all is human suffering. And life is so bloody short.

    This being a fact - why not make the best of a bad job and really let it rip? In 70 years' time, who will care if I once dyed my hair green or not? Once you're in the nursing home, no one will give a shit if you had this job or that job before you retired or lost your marbles, or if you lived in this house or the other. So if it doesn't make a difference anyway, why not just live life to the full? (Anyone has their own way of doing it, the point is to go and do it instead of postponing it all until it's too late.)

    In a strange kind of way, everything is simultaneously meaningless and meaningful. It's like looking through a coloured church window, and one time it's night and another time it's day. Sometimes the patterns begin to emerge. We can see them vaguely and indirectly, but they're there, and they're real. Ultimately, everything matters. Even the most boring and mundane tasks have meaning. A dinner you prepare can express friendliness, joie de vivre, exuberance, a love of adventure, comfort, tradition, a connection with the past or a curiousity about the world outside. Or take housework. A beautiful room is just that, a beautiful room, nothing more - and nothing less. It won't bring on world peace, but it can bring a sense of harmony, order, beauty and serenity in an otherwise chaotic and ugly world. And that's not to be sniffed at. Similarly, clothes matter as well. They're a means of communication; messages in a complicated code people employ all the time. And the best way to reliably make the world a better place for a handful of people (not for long, but for an hour or so): learn how to be a good cook.

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    Default Vivo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    1. I think I know how to ask a girl out. It's just that I currently have no interest in starting a relationship.

    2. My initial post was meant to be a list of rhetorical questions; I wasn't asking for help. My only aim was to get you people to ask those questions yourself. I didn't think we all had definitive answers to everything.

    3. Earl, fall recess at the college is coming up, and I'm going to hunt you down and make you hang out with me. I WILL find you.
    Well, Cone, you know I'm retarded enough to answer rhetorical questions, so don't ask them. Besides, the way you wrote it, it sounded like you were two steps from dangling from the rafters, so I wrote in a sad attempt to reason your questions out.

    Also, if you have no interest in a relationship, why start one? If you don't care about her, you're only going to waste her time. As I said in paragraph 4, if somebody says for you to do something that you don't want to do, don't listen to them. Really, it is sort of wrong the way Ma'am is trying to push you into a relationship. You should be able to be happy by yourself, with another person supplementing to create an almost other-worldly happiness. Basically said, it is unsafe to enter a relationship unless you are happy with yourself. Otherwise, you'll try to compensate through her/him and just make the both of you unhappy.

    You can hunt me down all you like, but I'm not allowed to leave the house with strangers (if you were with the rest of my friends when they showed up at my house, you'd know why). I'm barely allowed to leave with family unless I have all my work done, have recently ate, and recently went to the bathroom. Fortunately, I realize the stupidity of this, and when I embark to college (which won't be for a while because I have to go to this nice technical school first (insult all you want, its still an education) because we can't afford real college), which will probably be in 5 years, you'll see a video of me in a bar doing something either stupid or criminal. Who knows, I might be champion beer bonger or something (warning: excessive drinking is something very stupid. It should be done by professionals, such as every drunken uncle you've seen at a wedding). I'm just kidding, I don't plan to drink, outside of a social drink or two. Would be funny though.

    So, hunt me down all you want, you'll just find my mommy with a shotgun pulled on you. If you see me in school, then we can do our best to "hang out" (such as 30 seconds in the library, yay!). While you're there, say hi to Makin and Ma'am (Roxby), they both wonder what happened to you. If you want, I can give you my schedule so you can follow me strangely (I'll be the idiot with the undersized bookbag (bought a new one today that doesn't even fit my books in it. Anyone know where I can get a bookbag roughly 1.5-2 ft high and has enough room to hold 5 binders and 2 books, as well as pencils and a huge graphing calculator?) and people'll wonder why someone like you is following an idiot like me. I'm not worthy of thy greatness
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


    Warning: can be long-winded when writing. Allow for a minimum of 20 minutes to read each individual post of mine

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Earl
    Really, it is sort of wrong the way Ma'am is trying to push you into a relationship.
    Ma'am = Roxby

    Am I missing something here?
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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