Quote Originally Posted by Cone
Does anyone else here ever worry about the meaningless of life? I mean, why should I ever worry about getting laid or socializing or any of that other stuff that you're "supposed" to do if none of it matters anyway? Why should I want to live comfortably, living out my life in complete oblivion to my finite existence? Shouldn't I be making my mark on the world? Shouldn't I be trying to move mountains instead of what kind of clothes I should wear? Why was I put here, in this time, in this part of the world? It seems like I have a huge purpose, so do I really?
I worry about those things all the time. Especially being as unproductive as I am, I have plenty of time to ponder the nature of my potential in this life, as it slowly but surely decays. This existence is so far removed from the fundamentals. The society we are born into is often so contrived and shallow, it's hard to see past anything but the domestic dramas, the brand names, the contrived expectations of people with screwed priorities and become short-sighted to the big picture.

But, I like to think that I am all the better for having lived in this world than not having lived at all. Life isn't meaningless. Life has a significance in and of itself. It kills me inside to know that I could be doing so much with the time I have here, but I just lack the motivation.