Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
.. he's not critisizing you. He's mad that you let some people think of you like this God of knowledge about socionics when you really shouldn't be considered an authority on this stuff. Like I said before, we have more of a "check and balance" around here, no one should be thought of any more than an amature. Some people, like waddlesworth, actually admit that...
No, I think the others are right ... I think he is mad because I said that the description he made of himself was unreliable.

No. Look at your own webpage. The most pathetic celebrity typing Ive ever seen. Just horrible. It KILLS your credibility.

Your written profiles are all paraphrased and stolen material. You come up with nothing original. Your test is as accurate as SuperSoaker, and your perspectives on other types are "childish" at best.

Like I said...youre the last person that should be convincing people of anything.
Whatever floats your boat, now why do you not go and make a professional looking webpage about what you think about my efforts and shut up. Otherwise, you are just looking like an ass, and those sort of people are not taken very seriously anyhow. In any case, feel free to dig yourself in deeper. Absolutly no skin off of my back.