ENTj / LIE it is!

Well I'm back from vacation. Unfortunately no luck getting my wife to take mcnew's test, she was stonewalling me. hehe. She definitely has to be ISFj, the profile fits her like a glove, and functionally it all seems to work out too. The more I think about it and let it sink in, the more it just makes sense, as odd as it seemed at first.

For me and ENTJ: Since going on vacation, I noticed that my Fe has just died out completely, and now I realize how much effort it really took to use that function and how unnatural it was for me. Fe is Role for an ENTj, and I think it really does just sorta try to go with the flow. Si PoLR I know this has to be weak, and yes I think I am very sensitive to criticism in this area. Dual seeking would be Fi. I think I do take criticism well here. I don't always know how I should feel about things, and am probably not the best at maintaining relationships except with my wife. The Hidden Agenda Se (to be wealthy or powerful?) also seems to fit. Not that I consciously crave either, but I want to make sure things are done as efficiently and effectively as possible, and if I'm in a leadership role I can make sure that that happens. I guess it makes sense. Over the summer I was in a situation that caused me great pain in that I KNEW the strategy wasn't going to work, yet I had no voice or say over any of it, and sure enough the strategy failed.

I'd say INTj would be a close 2nd, ENTp 3rd, and INTp 4th.

As for my wife and ISFj: Her Fi is always very strong and conscious. Whatever emotion she's feeling I almost always know about it, even if she isn't very expressive of it. I would say her Fe is probably subconscious. As for realization/creative, I'd say it's more Se. One of power, control, and authority. If she feels wronged, she'll plot revenge. An ISFj is one person you do NOT want to cross, LOL. She's also fiercely defensive of and protective of her family and closed loved ones. In theory, she would get offended or easily hurt/upset if slapped with some Ne in her PoLR. Definitely true. I can have a tendancy to do that and the results are never good. If I'm trying to win an argument, I have to use Te with her, which is her duel seeking / suggestive function where she's much more open and receptive of criticism and help. Good results if I use this. Even though she's more socially outgoing, her friends and social network tends to be smaller, her friends fewer, but relationships more meaningful, which points to introversion. Despite myself being socially introverted, I seem to be the one with a very wide range of aquaintences on broad subjects, but have far less meaning in those relationships than her. That and mcnew's ISFj profile really nailed her, and not the other SJ's.

I'm sure maybe I'll find something in the future that'll give me 2nd thought, or that maybe somebody here will still disagree, but I'm convinced beyond a reasonable doubt now. It all just seems to click. Special thanks to rmcnew, rocky, a few that have PMed me some stuff, and anybody else that replied in my threads. Only took me 6 months but I think I've finally got it.