What is the functional explanation for like or dislike of drama? Traditionally Beta's are seen dramatic but then e.g. ESTps here tend to say they don't like drama. Is drama Fe? Fe with Se? ENFps are also called dramatic by others but not by others.

Do you like or dislike drama and why? What's your type?

I have lately found that I like drama. It seems when I'm too long without any drama in my life I start to feel kind of dead inside. Even though every time the drama ends I feel kind of relieved, eventually too stable life starts to bore me. I am always like "wow, good its over! It was getting heavy!" but then soon "umm..isn't this kind of life boring? time goes by, death is drawing near and I'm just doing my daily routines...argh!". I have noticed that I tend to subconsciously create drama where any isn't and am kind of annoyed if someone tries to downplay it instead of playing along. Like at work we face some problem and I'm like "ZOMG! DAMN! OMG! DOOM!" there is always someone who tries to be all calm like "no need to worry. I'm sure it is easy to solve" which kind of puts me into "blah" mood. Some other people play along better like "YES WE NEED TO IMMEDIATELY FIGURE OUT A SOLUTION! ZOMG ZOMG!" which I like better. Then we can dive passionately into solving the problem.

How do you see this issue? I'm a bit bored right now which might show, heh.