Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
That's not the only reason. I also feel like he needs to sort himself out before we jump into anything. We were moving way too fast. He hasn't had any time whatsoever to mourn his ex (whom he still loves, even though he ended it) & that adds strain to any relationship. I love him & I felt like I needed to let him go to give him space & find himself. I told him that if we're truly meant to be then we will meet again at some point in time.

It hurts like hell, but I know I'm doing the right thing.
Ok....relationships are complicated...as others have said you are the best person to judge what to do.

I split up with someone i was madly in love with years ago and it was the hardest thing i had to do. He didn't treat me very well and he was bad for me so it had to be done.