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Thread: INFps: can you see yourselves with an ESTp longterm?

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  1. #1
    IEI- UK IEI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    I finally broke it off. Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I just hope I don't live to regret it because what we had was pretty amazing. I seemed to handle my emotions far better than he did. I emotionally prepared myself well & made sure to cater to his feelings. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to witness. Just as I feared, he lost it. I've never seen a grown man cry so much... it was hard to keep my composure. What makes things worse is that he won't stop calling me. I'm considering blocking his number.

    I just can't get over those conflicted feelings that kept eating away at me. I can't really see a future with him. He's not 100% healed from his past. I know what he's capable of & I can't risk being with someone who will possibly walk out on me. It's better to end things right now then 10 years down the road with the possibility of kids. I'm also not emotionally or financially ready for that level of commitment (I guess that's the woes of being with an older man). I feel like I've saved myself from a lot of grief. It's kind of ironic because the reason why I broke it off is one of the same reasons why he got a divorce. There was a bleak future to be seen. I guess this is karma for you.

    I've learned a lot from this relationship. Duality is amazing but the circumstances have to be right for it to work, as they do with any healthy relationship. Both people have to be open, ready & trusting. In our case it was a mixture of bad timing & my inability to trust what he may do in the future. It's sad that it had to happen this way. He treated me so well & helped me so much. I've lost my best friend.
    I hope you dont mind me commenting as you have posted here i hope not and its (a strangers) genuine concern. My view is you run the risk with any person you are with that they may possibly walk out on you there are no guarantees but if you find someone amazing then it must be worth the risk of what's the point? If your not ready for a commitment that's a different story.... but if its because you are scared he will leave you i think you're nuts for breaking it off. Great relationships are very hard to find is my experience.

  2. #2
    IEI- UK IEI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    That's not the only reason. I also feel like he needs to sort himself out before we jump into anything. We were moving way too fast. He hasn't had any time whatsoever to mourn his ex (whom he still loves, even though he ended it) & that adds strain to any relationship. I love him & I felt like I needed to let him go to give him space & find himself. I told him that if we're truly meant to be then we will meet again at some point in time.

    It hurts like hell, but I know I'm doing the right thing.
    Ok....relationships are others have said you are the best person to judge what to do.

    I split up with someone i was madly in love with years ago and it was the hardest thing i had to do. He didn't treat me very well and he was bad for me so it had to be done.

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