Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
I'm probably more of a commitment-phobe than most SLE's. -_- I don't know why it creeps me out. This probably isn't type related.

Fortunately, SLE's view this as a challenge; or so it seems.
Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
The SLEs I know are very committed to their long-term relationships IF they love and are IN LOVE with that person. (and heck, even when they're not, they try hard to make it work and are extremely loyal)
SLEs are surprisingly non-whoreish! Even if it initially seems that they will fuck anything that moves...
Yes, I agree they often are susprisingly non-whoreish. I know a couple of SLEs who, though they clearly enjoy the chase and like knowing (er, believing?) they *could* sleep with whomever they want, won't get with just anyone. These two are both late-twenties now and seem to have grown out of their youthful playa days. Mostly

When it comes to love, *real* love, they do take it very seriously.