Quote Originally Posted by FDG
i think that if the relationship is good there is no friction after 2-3 months. the one in which i am right now started in april and all the friction was at the start. it can't always be like that if both parties are:
- in love
- willing to stay committed
could be. but i have found that it is a stage that you go through where you question what you want and ascertain who the other person is, and if you can successfully get through it, then your relationship is strengthened.

and it tends to be cyclical for irrational types, you get to other places where you disagree and the more you communicate and resolve, the stronger the relationship becomes. the more you can be who you are and realize who the other person is and what they need and successfully and responsibly communicate, the relationship starts to attain higher and higher levels of understanding and intimacy.

the 2-3 month friction is just the first time this happens.