Quote Originally Posted by misutii
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
INFp suddely stops replying to sms-s/me asking her out. So I am pushy for a short while, and then think, whatever, do what you want. After one month INFp comes back but I don't want people that do that shit so I refuse.
I think that INFps seem more commitment-phobic than we actually are.... like in your situation I think that it wasn't that the INFp was afraid of commitment but of how fast things were going (Ni - caution) , personally I'm averse to becoming dependent on one person too quickly. In terms of dating I find it's better that it be gradual, like start with seeing each other once a week, so as to make sure both parties can maintain their own lives/friends (aka security nets)

As an INFp if I felt someone was 'rushing' relations I'd avoid them for I'd make the assumption that they want to use me rather than build anything that can stand the test of time. Of course I'm not sure if this has any direct relevance to your situation, just mentioning it because I found my ESTp roomate seemed to 'rush' into relations recklessly, which hindsight proved to lead nowhere worthwhile in the long-term (unless an INFp is really unhealthy they're likely thinking long-term whether they admit it to you or not). For INFp females in particular such caution seems for the best, like if you think about it if all it takes is one month for a guy to get over a girl then for the girl it validates her fears, that he doesn't truly value her. So FDG you definitely shouldn't interpret her flightiness to be an insult directed personally towards you, anyways hoped that helps put the behaviour in perspective, INFp behaviour, in my opinion, is really A LOT more predictable than it seems.
It's not that I get over her, it's that I don't want to have to deal with push-pull, mostly, so it's a conscious decision. I still think the girl is great and that I would date her immediatly if only she didn't do that.

Anyway - if the girl were to just say look, I only want to see you once a week blabla...sure i'd be pissed but it's understandable. However if you just disappear without saying anything - big no-no.

Mikemex...nay, I have some ENFps female friends and this girl was definitely INFp, and pretty clearly beta