Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
I'm 22. I know I'm far too young to be thinking about these kinds of things, but I do anyway. I dwell on my future a lot because I want to be prepared for what's ahead.
And you make a very good point about how relationships at this stage in a person's life should be about exploring and learning what's best for you instead of finding your life partner. Still, I worry about romantic relationships. Perhaps being a child of a messy divorce has something to do with it.
Well, the best way to prvent a messy divorce is to not rush things and take your time, making sure that when you find somebody, it's truly someone special. To be honest, I think people worry too much about finding someone ELSE to spend their life with, they neglect focusing on their own life and becoming independent, self-sufficient, complete human beings. Incomplete people make for incomplete relationships, and the divorce rate can attest to that.