Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
Why do you say ENFj and INTj?

And, are you sure about your own type? (just a question)
ENFjs are kind, creative people whom I can talk to with the greatest ease and comfort. Our similarities give us a genuine understanding of and connection to one another.

INTjs... how can one not like INTjs? They're so delectably weird and fascinating, and quite warm despite their professed misanthropic tendencies. I tell you, UDP, you really have no idea how wonderful you and your ilk can be. I really appreciate my INTj friends.
More importantly, both types value , which is what I feel most comfortable using.
And uber, uber-importantly, both types value commitment and are always striving for improvement.

And yes, I'm certain I'm INFp.
And I've gone way overboard with the type generalizations.
*end book*
You may have read this in profiles, but it is very true about INTjs, so I will promote some props for my ilk: if you appreciate them as friends, then it is very likely they appreciate you as friends as well. It is unlike an INTj to maintain relations with someone who is of no use to him or someone he does not derive utility from, so rest assured that you are a worthy person, and that they value you as well. For all our inability to actually judge relationships, we can tell how much effort and whether or not what we do will increase or decrease a relationship, so if we are acting in ways that you appreciate, that means we think you are important enough to care how we act towards you.

I know that is very technical sounding, but that is really how I interpret things. And the main point was, for an INTj to even spend time with someone is often a lot, and few people really understand this. So for an INTj to be decent friends with you, that means you are important to them as described above, and yes, commitment is a big part of that.

+10 for appreciation of always striving for improvement.