The older estps get the more willing they are to commit.
I hope so. It's just disheartening to read about the benefits of duality only to recall how your dual is inherently averse to commitment. While I've had good relations with ESTps, things have never been much more than superficial, and I find it hard to believe that duality is intended simply for occasional hellos, a few laughs, and nothing more. What good is "duality" if your dual doesn't want a relationship?
How old are you, uninspired? I think, of all the dual types, the EXTps/IXFps need the most time to bed-hop and rove around for a while before finally settling down.
I'm 22. I know I'm far too young to be thinking about these kinds of things, but I do anyway. I dwell on my future a lot because I want to be prepared for what's ahead.
And you make a very good point about how relationships at this stage in a person's life should be about exploring and learning what's best for you instead of finding your life partner. Still, I worry about romantic relationships. Perhaps being a child of a messy divorce has something to do with it.
There is more to life than constant intrigue. Why are you worried you'll become boring to your partner? That is never something I've feared.

Why do you say ENFj and INTj?

And, are you sure about your own type? (just a question)
ENFjs are kind, creative people whom I can talk to with the greatest ease and comfort. Our similarities give us a genuine understanding of and connection to one another.

INTjs... how can one not like INTjs? They're so delectably weird and fascinating, and quite warm despite their professed misanthropic tendencies. I tell you, UDP, you really have no idea how wonderful you and your ilk can be. I really appreciate my INTj friends.
More importantly, both types value , which is what I feel most comfortable using.
And uber, uber-importantly, both types value commitment and are always striving for improvement.

And yes, I'm certain I'm INFp.
And I've gone way overboard with the type generalizations.
*end book*