Quote Originally Posted by FDG
I don't know why but it really is a primary concern; I see so many couples going around cities that look bored, also if I were to see that my partner is somewhat bored of me I'd tell her straight away to get out the relationship if she wants, you can't live like that
Okay, I think I know what you mean. I have seen couples in restaurants not talking, just sitting there, staring off into space. Yep that looks miserable. I guess my line of thinking is, I'm an interesting person. If he finds me boring then HE'S boring. Maybe that's why one of my requirements in my marriage is a certain degree of independence. I guess to cultivate my interests so that I don't become boring to myself. Honestly, becoming boring to myself would be the worst thing ever. As long as I find myself interesting, I don't expect anyone else to be bored. If they are, they can leave. Which is, I guess, basically what you said.