Yes.. this very issue concerns me. Sadly, ESTps do seem kinda commitment-phobic, but I do believe in what a certain poster said (can't remember username atm) about how eventually, they do realize who they truly like especially if it is Duality with an INFp. I think it takes a while for them to appreciate what they have, and that maybe the effect of losing their SO after going around with other people teaches them a lesson..

Yeah, INFps can be like this also.. I know I have been very flighty in the past.. but I have learned! I used to not care about commitment too much either.. I wanted to date around, have fun. Even though I am still super young still, I only want a long-term relationship now because it makes me feel dead inside when I am just moving from one person to the next with no real emotional attachments or understanding. It sucks. ESTps do appreciate it when they find someone that they actually find to have an emotional connection with as well..

All in all, I just think it takes more time for IxFps/ExTps to realize their need for commitment