Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
Right now, the only types I can see myself having a worthwhile relationship with are ENFjs and INTjs. I find that as a P-type, I value J-type behaviors from others very much. What do you all think?
I don't know any ESTps irl, at least none that I can think of. When I was younger, I appreciated J-type behavior in my partners very much. In fact, I dated some Ps when quite young (19, 20, 21) and became frustrated with their inability to commit. I ended up marrying an ESFj (we've been married for 13 years now) and sometimes I really like his J-ness, sometimes it's tiresome. I myself have been on the line J/P in the past and now that I'm older, I am much more P than ever for some reason. Truth is, you can't predict how you'll be or what you'll appreciate 20 years from now. You just have to get out there and date. Eventually you'll fall in love with a person, not a type.