I love ESTps, I really do, but most of the ones I've met are commitment-phobes and become bored easily. It seems the only thing they are devoted to is change, whether it's moving to a new town every 2 years, getting a new "hook-up" buddy every 6 months, and so on (I'm somewhat bitter, in case you can't tell, haha).
Though as an INFp I value change in impersonal matters such as scenery, hobbies, and academics, I am deeply devoted and committed to my significant other when I'm in a romantic relationship. I don't get that feeling at all from ESTps.
So, my point is, I don't see myself in a lasting relationship with an ESTp. The ONLY possibility for this to happen, in my view, would be if the ESTp was in his late 30s or mid 40s (and thus much older than me) and finally ready to settle down. This stinks, haha.
Right now, the only types I can see myself having a worthwhile relationship with are ENFjs and INTjs. I find that as a P-type, I value J-type behaviors from others very much. What do you all think?