Thanks everybody .

The ones I found most interesting and are therefore on my list, are Ender's Game suggested by enjio, eunice's suggestions, and niffweed reminded me that I was going to read Stranger in a strange land by Robert Heinlein at some point.

What's with all the scifi books being suggested by niffweed and bionicgoat? - What's a 'cyberpunk?' . Some of those authors looked liked they covered some interesting things, but scifi books scare me - I think I might have a glance at some of them.

reyn_til_runa shows an incredible range of books, but they are not really my cup of tea They seem too real and grim - like watching a Wagnerian opera or something. Steppenwolf looks quite interesting though - though I nearly passed by researching it, due my thoughts on the band of the same name . I don't have a high opinion of reading plays - but it's not like I have tried to read any, so...maybe sometime. I also have a prejudiced view of graphic novels, even though the few I've read were actually quite good (like Tintin and an animated version of The Hobbit - I gave up on the 'normal' version after two pages because it was difficult to read, not like Lord of the Rings strangely ).

I wanted to get Everyman by Philip Roth after it was mentioned on an arts program - it wasn't at my local shop, so I got The plot against America instead - I gave up after a couple of chapters and a glance through the rest because the ending seemed kind of obvious, and the page-by-page stuff I found tedious and boring. He looks like Larry David - I wonder if he's INTp or INTj (one of those two)?

(anyway, who cares about my ramblings? :wink: )