Yeah. Why don't we? Or maybe it is just me. Individual sob story blow by blow details don't really matter, but when I've lost things that were really important to me, I spent a lot of time either utterly paralyzed or flopping about and gasping like a fish on the beach. Once the initial horror is over, it really takes me years to get over it.. I think everyone does this when something devastating enough happens, but it seems like others tend to move on in a reasonable amount of time, or maybe, like me, they are just incredibly good at hiding it. For an idea of how often, and what sort of events, I can think of 3 times this has happened to me. Once, was over a job. In the end, because I basically felt like a hollow shell, that one also cost me my relationship with the only man I have ever truly loved. I fell out of love with him, because my heart was shattered. I felt like the old me was dead. The other two, ill-considered relationships (to sum up in a word: burn). You would think that as rarely as I let someone into my heart that I would be more careful about who I choose. Basically, on the rare occasions when I have made myself vulnerable, and got burned, my recovery has been very slow.