Let's suppose + is process, - is result.

+ means an aspect of reality which is related to the present in a given situation.
- means an aspect of reality which is related to the future and past, outside that situation.

Dynamic - is Positive, because Dynamics means changing situations, which implicates the future and the past of things.
Static + is Positive, because Statics means non-changing situations, which implicates the present of things.

Static - and Dynamic + are Negative for reverse reasons.

This is how Positivists focus on the presence, and Negativists on the absence.

I also thought : E/I has nothing to do with objectiveness/subjectiveness, but rather with objects/fields :

Let's compare the dominant types : SEI and SLI.

SEI focuses more on subjective mechanical interactions - i.e. sensations of things
SLI focuses more on objective mechanical interactions - i.e. harmony of things

Let's suppose that two colliding gears rotate in opposite direction :

SEI would focus more on what each gear is sensing, the sensations of each gear.
SLI would focus more on how gears interact to each other, the interactions generated by both gears.

SEI is a subjective type, and SLI an objective type.

Let's compare the dominant types : LII and LSI.

LSI focuses more on subjective structure
LII focuses more on objective structure

Let's suppose that eight black balls are connected to each other by white wires, to make a cubic structure :

LSI would focus more on connections relative to each black ball.
LII would focus more on the global structure generated by all the eight balls.

LSI is a subjective type, and LII is an objective type.

Let's compare the dominant types : LSE and LIE.

LIE focuses more on subjective movements
LSE focuses more on objective movements

Let's suppose that three black cubes are moving circularily :

LIE would focus more on how each cube is moving, its algorithms of movements.
LSE would focus more on how all cubes are moving to make a circular movement.

For now : SEI, LSI and LIE are subjective - SLI, LII and LSE are objective.

All those three "subjective types" have those traits in common : Carefreeness, Emotivism, and Declarativeness.

Carefreeness and Emotivism aren't important here. So let's retain Declarativeness.

So I can make this hypothesis :

E- and I+ are subjective.
E+ and I- are objective.

As you can know already, motive to communication of Declarers is subjective, and the one of Askers is objective.