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Thread: Are SEIs-ISFps likely to defend someone being bullied and ganged up on?

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Are SEIs-ISFps likely to defend someone being bullied and ganged up on?

    Is an ISFp one of the first types to actively defend somebody when they're being bullied or 'ganged up on.' I don't know they seem kind of shy and quiet then BAM they're all of a sudden defending you. Is this a trait for ISFps?

    It seems that ISFps hate it when one sole person makes all the rules and equally hates it if one sole person is getting the short end of the stick. Also if everybody is liking you an ISFp seems to be one of the first people to offer another point of view or play 'devil's advocate.' They seem to want to keep you right in the middle with them if they really like ya.

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    Default Re: Is this an ISFp trait?

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Is an ISFp one of the first types to actively defend somebody when they're being bullied or 'ganged up on.' I don't know they seem kind of shy and quiet then BAM they're all of a sudden defending you. Is this a trait for ISFps?

    It seems that ISFps hate it when one sole person makes all the rules and equally hates it if one sole person is getting the short end of the stick. Also if everybody is liking you an ISFp seems to be one of the first people to offer another point of view or play 'devil's advocate.' They seem to want to keep you right in the middle with them if they really like ya.
    I hate it too, and I'm INTp.

    Edit: In fact, at Primary school a couple of times, I've stepped in to help the 'underdog' as it were, and they've fucked off, leaving me on my own.
    INTP/ILI(Ni) /5w4

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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    ENTp's dual, what do you expected? Both ENFp and ENTp swim upstream so they need people who is loyal and supportive in such harsh moments...
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    They are usually pulling for the underdog, and using Fe as their creative function fits well here.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I think all Fps do this.

    I think the difference between defending people among Fps and the other types is that it might seem irrational for at least an INTj. Once an ESFp was defending someone in a way that was, to me, irrational and an ENTj was totally ok with it, so *shrug*. But I do notice that all Fps sort of do this. I haven't noticed ISFps doing it very often in public though.

    Actually I see INFps doing it the most, then ENFps, then ESFps (if its a stranger, not someone close to them, then its different) then ISFp. ISFps I see more calming down people.

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    I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't over-idealizing my dual.

    But it was definitely one of those moments that I never appreciated what it did for me until after you know? As it was happening I was pretty much 'okay this feels nice' but it wasn't like WOWZA.

    I've been trying to initiate contact with this person again though. The little punk BETTER respond.

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    I'm a sucker for people who defend and stick up for me. I don't know. Maybe it's my weak inner alpha want to be treated like a fucking baby...but I don't really know how to respond with enthusiasm when people do that (at least in 'real life')

    So how I respond usually is I just smile and blush at them and I try to start talking to them, but not like what happened. I don't like to show a lot of feelings because I think people will get weirded out by that and leave me. If I really like a person I'll just try to like get them alone somehow or send out 'good vibes.' God that sounds really 'gay' but it's the best way to describe it.

    I won't automatically be all over the person. They won't really know how much it meant to me like I said, but to show my appreciation I will show a softer side where most people I just seem cold. That's how I repay them I guess. I wish I could do the same for them, but I don't feel really able to do that.

    This makes me go AWWW everytime I watch it:

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    yeah, i always try to stand up for people who are being bullied on. when i stand up for someone, i usually disagree with the future asshole in the first place.. so thats what gets me started. then we they start to make someone feel bad, i stand up for them because i know what its like to be in a situation like that, and i tend to sympathize with people alot.
    i like for everything to be harmonious, so i dont want anyone to be having a bad time.
    i dont ALWAYS stand up for people though. i dont if i dont feel strongly enough about it, or if i somewhat agree with the person being an asshole. also if im in a situation where i dont feel very comfortable, like if i feel inferior to most of the people around me.
    its stupid, but whether i feel inferior or superior plays a big role in how i act...alot of the time anyway.
    ISFp; SEI

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    I'm a sucker for people who defend and stick up for me. I don't know. Maybe it's my weak inner alpha want to be treated like a fucking baby...but I don't really know how to respond with enthusiasm when people do that (at least in 'real life')

    So how I respond usually is I just smile and blush at them and I try to start talking to them, but not like what happened. I don't like to show a lot of feelings because I think people will get weirded out by that and leave me. If I really like a person I'll just try to like get them alone somehow or send out 'good vibes.' God that sounds really 'gay' but it's the best way to describe it.

    I won't automatically be all over the person. They won't really know how much it meant to me like I said, but to show my appreciation I will show a softer side where most people I just seem cold. That's how I repay them I guess. I wish I could do the same for them, but I don't feel really able to do that.

    This makes me go AWWW everytime I watch it:
    my ENTP boyfriend tries to get us alone alot. not because he wants to like, rape me all the time.. but i think he just prefers to hang out with me alone. and it doesnt always work out that great, because for some reason i prefer group environments, at least when im hanging out with him. i dont know why i prefer being in a group.. i guess one-on-one just gets boring :/
    ISFp; SEI

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Omg I soooo do that! I just want an ISFp all to myself like BACK OFF BITCHES S/HE'S MINE.

    The ISFps I know hmm I dunno if they prefer groups or alone time or whatever I think it depends. I notice if an ISFp really likes me in real life they try to bring another party along (not necessarily a big group just one other person), you think this is true for them? I think maybe I come on too strong sometimes, and they like me too they just want to feel more comfortable around me. Remember ENTps are weak against knowing how people really feel about them, and it drives me crazy sometimes. I know they're my dual but sometimes I wish they would just say outright if they really like me. They don't have to get all dramatic, just 'I like you' would be okay, to my face. They send me SO MANY CLUES that they want to be around me though. I think ENTps aren't used to feeling that loved with people and so when we meet them we just want to glomp you.

    Hmm I think maybe it would really help if you tell your ENTp boyfriend what you meant more, maybe kept it short and sweet? Then again maybe you probably already do this and the ENTp is just oblivious. Maybe we just need too much of it lol remember we have weak and is our hidden agenda. That has all SORTS of problems, and I've had troubles with my emotional/social life my entire life. =/

    I know one ISFp we had a crush on each other and the ISFp went out of her way sometimes to make sure we weren't alone. I always tried to get her alone though... and there was also an ISFj around too that was her sort of friend. I had to keep the relationship a secret though because I know the ISFj hated me and would try to break us apart if she knew.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Omg I soooo do that! I just want an ISFp all to myself like BACK OFF BITCHES S/HE'S MINE.

    The ISFps I know hmm I dunno if they prefer groups or alone time or whatever I think it depends. I notice if an ISFp really likes me in real life they try to bring another party along (not necessarily a big group just one other person), you think this is true for them? I think maybe I come on too strong sometimes, and they like me too they just want to feel more comfortable around me. Remember ENTps are weak against knowing how people really feel about them, and it drives me crazy sometimes. I know they're my dual but sometimes I wish they would just say outright if they really like me. They don't have to get all dramatic, just 'I like you' would be okay, to my face. They send me SO MANY CLUES that they want to be around me though. I think ENTps aren't used to feeling that loved with people and so when we meet them we just want to glomp you.

    Hmm I think maybe it would really help if you tell your ENTp boyfriend what you meant more, maybe kept it short and sweet? Then again maybe you probably already do this and the ENTp is just oblivious. Maybe we just need too much of it lol remember we have weak and is our hidden agenda. That has all SORTS of problems, and I've had troubles with my emotional/social life my entire life. =/

    I know one ISFp we had a crush on each other and the ISFp went out of her way sometimes to make sure we weren't alone. I always tried to get her alone though... and there was also an ISFj around too that was her sort of friend. I had to keep the relationship a secret though because I know the ISFj hated me and would try to break us apart if she knew.
    ahh yeah, i used to always bring my best friend along with me on "dates".. or have group dates. i just have this fear of boring them, and of not having anything to talk about. groups of people are usually more fun.
    ISFPs worry about how people view them. so i think that once you make it known that you like the person, they'll feel comfortable around you.
    being duals, its very very likely that an ISFP will like you. i really like the two ENTPs i know
    ISFPs are just bad at expressing how they feel through words.. so instead try to notice how they act around you. like, if they seem interested in what youre saying and want to talk to you. also if they want to hang out with you or not.
    yeah, when i like someone i never tell them at first. clues are how i do it though! so if youre getting clues that they want to be around you, they do. pay attention to clues., it usually ends up with us in a group anyway. ive told him that hanging out alone gets boring, not because HE'S boring (i find him really interesting).. but because that's just how it is with 2 people when you don't have anything to do (which we don't, where i live sucks balls).
    what i said pretty much says it all, i thought. but if he finds something for us to do together, like mall or movies, then i really dont have an excuse. so i dont know what i would say :/ and id be afraid to say anything, because i think he'd take it the wrong way.. and it would hurt his feelings.
    ISFp; SEI

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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    I've read some comments from ISFp saying that they prefer ENFp to ENTp. I am curious to know why...

    I, for example, do not like group settings very much. I prefer one on one. Maybe I'm funny and can compensate, who knows.
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    Default "ENTP" boyfriend is actually an ENFP. i dont know why i didnt realise it sooner.
    ISFp; SEI

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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly grass "ENTP" boyfriend is actually an ENFP. i dont know why i didnt realise it sooner.
    how'd you figure it out?

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    Last edited by HitmanISTP; 07-25-2008 at 12:15 AM.

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Group dating sucks, you can't even make out
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Group dating sucks, you can't even make out
    well yeah, unless it's a whore-out session. generally people who want to "group date" are subconsciously keeping you around until something better comes along. it's a bit cynical, yeah, but honest attraction is mainly by wanting to be alone together.
    entp-ti 6w7

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    When you really like somebody romantically it's only natural to want some one-on-one with them, I agree.

    Though you should be careful to not put too much stock in . Don't be disappointed if they don't necessarily treat you better when you're alone with them, you probably met them in a 'group setting' first anyway like school or work or whatnot. I think just them trusting themselves enough to be alone with you speak volumes, I think we live in a very guarded world and letting somebody in that isn't part of your family is...well, huge. Obviously if you get romantic with them in private they're gonna 'treat you better' anyhow, though I am not just talking about sexual pleasure.

    So just don't accept them to be all kissing your ass and over-idealizing you right away just because you're alone. They love you anyway, otherwise they wouldn't be alone with ya. If they can't be alone, I agree, they don't really like you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by jelly grass "ENTP" boyfriend is actually an ENFP. i dont know why i didnt realise it sooner.
    how'd you figure it out?
    i dont really know/remember. the thought just kinda came to me, that maybe hes an ENFP. so i read about them and it really fit. a big DUH to myself

    hes not very logical; sometimes (often) he comes up with crazy ideas, or reasons, and i know he hasnt really thought them through. hes can get his feelings hurt somewhat easily (at least by me, though i dont mean to of course). and hes kind of babyish.. and can be overwhelmed by his feelings. to me it seems like he doesnt really know how to deal with his emotions. but hes sympathetic, understanding, and warm-hearted. and veryyy friendly (:

    thats all i can think of to describe is feelingness. cause im thinking thats what you were looking for...
    ISFp; SEI

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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    guilty as charged. fo sho.
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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