Do you use to jump start out of it? I am sure there are many possibilities, but I notice that my creative function, and also my 8th & 7th functions.

An example: I become bogged down in something, and I realize I am getting very focused on the current moment (ESE seeking, dynamic seeking, caregiver seeking -- wondering why someone is not doing something to help me out of it). But being me, you cannot always rely on people to be there for you like that. So, I just realized, that if I focus on the future, everything changes. Reset.

Particularly the statement of
"In 5 years, will I remember what I am doing now? (does it matter)"
"Is what I am doing now positively contributing to what I wand to do/be in 5 years?"

I know that sounds like something Joy would say (aside: Hey discojoe, tell joy I said hi + this post reminded me of her)
but it is quite useful for me.

I wonder if these kind of thoughts are motivating for all people, or if they use their 2nd, 7 & 8th functions in a similar way?