If I went onto a discussion board with jehovah witnesses, I'm sure they would think I was an idiot, if I told them I thought it was all crap, even I had not read any of their papers.

This is the same thing, thats why the last time I met one of them at my door, I told them, I once knew a member, who tried to make me one of them, and I realised, it was not for me...That kind of comment make it easier for them to go, then they dont have to think, that I decided it was not for me without first hearing about it.

I simply dont need more facts, I've seen all at the braintypes site that I need to see. It would simply just work at making my conviction stronger, to view more facts..Just like with jehovah, not to appear close minded, but, I find some thing, just to stupid to put my time into. In that sense, I'm an idiot to post this post, and waste my time on you