Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Like that world class swimmer someone mentioned, I would not view it as something to do with type, rather I'd say she/he, had luck with their genetic makeup, things like hormone levels, how their body respons to training, how mutch training they can take, musclefiber ratio between slow and fast fibers, genetic blood% level, heart volum, lungs, in general things like that, more than things like type. Maybe their personality type was related to genes, that had nothing related to the genes that predicted the other factors..
And *none* of this has any thing to do with the BrainTypes system, so why would you mention it? Unless of course you still misunderstand.

Research that are not only speculations but can be proved, by scientific research..Unlike the things like the braintype site, or this ssystem.
I think that is part of the problem. It seems like you and other people are falling too much in love with that saftey blanket that they call science. Not that science is bad (my Dad is a neuroscientist), but you have to except the fact that somethings we can neither prove nor disprove with science at this point, if ever.
I sure this sounds extremely cocky, b
ut I cant belive how you can fall for that crap.

Maybe it's because I'm intuitive, or have this thing that people who make a site like that built upon sand lack, I'm not sure, but I dont have to like look into every detail, or spend more than a few minutes looking at it, to realise it's complete nonsense, I see that instantly. Their obsession with football players, their commercial moneysucking attitude, their science style, even they have no science in it, their web page layout just dont make me a beliver, it seems like a scam to me, if they belive in it themselves, or if it's a plain rip off, I'm not sure, but it dont fool me.
What suprise me is that people would want to waste their time on it, i'd say it's even worse than this system.

I'd say the system is a joke, and this reminds me of a discussion I had with a INTJ nerd at scool lots of times, he was able to do abstractions, and understand theory, but not to have any grasp on reality. I guess beliving brain types are somewhat schizotypal .

So why dont I write proof, logical reason, because I dont have to. If you belive that page, and take it seriosly, then I cannot help you, nor would any discussion have any meaning. That would be like trying to explain someone in a rational manner, why they could not use thoughts to control their dog, living in another town.