Quote Originally Posted by Rocky

Guest, you keep proving to me that you still don't get it. It's not about how athletic someone is. I think a lot of people have problems in misunderstanding this stuff. For example, I have an ISTp who is *not* athletic, at all, yet he is still ISTp. Even by the "movements system" above, you would type him as xSTp. Sorry if you can't see the difference.
Im not really having any firm opinion, other that I think some are to locked onto certain belif systems to mutch. I think motor skills can be learned...I dont see it as related to types really.

But If one was to say it was, well, then I would think of the brain dominance factor, someone with a more right oriented an masculine brain, would probably be better at things related to right brain activity, but
of course, quantity is not quality, so any type can be suprior to another, at anything.

Like that world class swimmer someone mentioned, I would not view it as something to do with type, rather I'd say she/he, had luck with their genetic makeup, things like hormone levels, how their body respons to training, how mutch training they can take, musclefiber ratio between slow and fast fibers, genetic blood% level, heart volum, lungs, in general things like that, more than things like type. Maybe their personality type was related to genes, that had nothing related to the genes that predicted the other factors..

I mean, myself I like to think of type as just one of lots of possibillities, nothing more.

A thing I want to learn more about are things that are backed up by research, published, in recogniced medical, and psychological journals..

Research that are not only speculations but can be proved, by scientific research..Unlike the things like the braintype site, or this ssystem.