I like juggling, playing piano, guitar, and also have very good car driving skills, repair cars for fun, can write with bouth hands, even one hand mirrored, while writing in the right direction with the other hand at the same time. And have very good visual, kinestic, and musical skills. I'm the one to ask if drawings hang straight, or to draw a naturalistic drawing.
Also bothered a lot with gut feelings about things. Yes my stummic goes banana due to stock investments. My memory is mostly visual.

Keirsey would stereotype be as an ISFP, or ISTP, in that system for sure.

Type is ENTP on the test. But as far as I am concerned, I really dont care, what type I am, or if ENTP are my type.

Personally I think that brain site is so full of crap. Also fine motor skills seems like something that can be learned, to a large extent.